stuck in three holes

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Ivy's POV

We were running after Jeff the not so criminal. We followed him into the neighborhood that had the abandoned DVD store, we heard glass break so we followed the noise. "Where are you Jeff!?!" Ray yelled. "Your not going to get away!!!" Henry yelled after Ray. Once we got to the store where we heard the breaking glass, we stood in front. "Lets go through the broken window" Henry said. "Nah lets use the front door" Ray suggested. "The front door is probably locked" Henry said.

"I know but I brought my foot" Ray said before kicking down the locked door. "That works too" I said going through the door. "Jeff where are you??" I yelled. "Wait, is that girl danger??" Jeff yelled. "Y-Yeah" I replied. "I know your trying to captured me and all, but your hot" Jeff yelled from somewhere in the store. "Im 15 and I have a boyfriend" I yelled cringing. "Oh...Who's your boyfriend??" Jeff asked. "Really? After I told you my age" I yelled. "Just answer the question " Jeff demanded. "Kid Danger" I replied.

"Okay Jeff stop being weird" Henry said. Then he came out of no where and attacked Ray with one of the tapes string. "Stop stop" Me and Henry said in union. "Your really embarrassing yourself " I said. "Ok we don't know how you keep escaping prison bu-" Henry was saying but got cut off by Jeff punching him in the nose. Henry seemed shocked and looked over at Jeff. "What happened to using our words Man?!?" Henry said rubbing his nose.

I went over to him and kissed his nose genitally. "Never mind Jeff" Henry said smiling. "Come on guys lets go beat this jerk up" Ray said taking out his laser remote. He shot the laser at Jeff but nothing happened except a minor pinch. "Why isn't the laser working??" Ray asked. "Ugh..." Me and Henry said in union. "Did you two forget to charge the lasers last night?!?" Ray asked us. "Yeah, but that's only because you made us go get you donuts and a pumpkin spice latte" I argued.

"Their seasonal, I can't get them all year 'round" Ray said. "So its our faults that we couldn't charge the lasers?" Henry said. "Well, what did you two do when you got back??" Ray asked us. Me and Henry looked at each other and blushed. "That's only for us to know" I replied blushing. "Yeah okay" Ray said smirking. "Are you guys just gonna argue or can I leave??" Jeff asked. "Shut up!!" We said in union. I shot him with my laser on his stomach. "Oww that hurt" Jeff said touching his stomach.

"What if we had been going against a real criminal??" Ray said to us. "Hey!! im a real criminal" Jeff argued. "A real stupid one" I said angry. "Whatever im leaving" Jeff said running to the door. We shot him with our lasers repeatedly until he started to fall. "I think that one got me" Jeff announced before fainting to the ground. "Finally he's down" Henry said putting his arms around me. "Ok now you two need to clean up the mess" Ray said. "Why" I asked. "Because its our job as protectors to clean up the mess we have made" Ray replied. "But this place has been abandoned since the 1900's" Henry said. "Doesn't matter, bow start to pick up the tapes and put them on the shelves" Ray demands. Me and Henry start picking up the tapes and DVD's.

We stood on top of the rotten wooden floor without noticing and we suddenly fell and with only our heads and shoulders sticking out. I was right next to Henry. "Guys stop playing around" Ray said coming close to us. "Were not playing Ray" I said. "We fell through the floor trying to get 'Veggie caffe' and 'New kids on the block' " Henry said. "Oh really they still have those movies, Man I remember watching it as a ki-" Ray was saying but suddenly fell through the rotten wooden floor.

"Kid" Ray said smiling nervously. Me and Henry nodded our heads at him. "What are we going to do?? Its almost midnight" I said. "Were going to have to wait until Jeff wakes up" Ray said. "Well until than were going to stay in these holes" Henry said. "I know, Honey" I said frowning with him.

We spent the night at the store stuck in the holes. I was so thirsty for water and so hungry. "Im so hungry" Henry whined. "Im so thirsty " I whined with him. "Yeah well I have to pee" Ray said. "Yeah but a hunger and a thirst is greater than having to pee" Henry said. "No, having to pee is greater than being hungry and thirsty" Ray argued. "Why don't you just pee??" I asked him. "You want me to pee in my Captain pants?!?" Ray asked cringing. "Yeah sure, why not??" Henry asked.

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