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Mark Thomas As Mark Patrick's in this chapter ONLY....

Ivy's POV

Me, Henry, and Ray just came from a meeting with Miss. Swellview, And Ray was beyond happy. But in one point of the meeting, Ray went to talk to the Boss of the most popular burger place in Swellview. I have no idea what they were talking about but I'm sure it wasn't good. After Ray talked to the Boss he started being nice to me, a little too nice. Anyways we were in the Man Cave just coming back. "How'd the meeting go??" Charlotte asked as we got out of the tubes. "It 4 great, the only thing that went wrong was that Henry accidentally poured soy sauce on the Mayor" Ray replied glaring at Henry.

"It was an accident" Henry said putting his hands in the air. "Yeah sure, you accidentally went to the other side of the table and poured soy sauce on him" I said sarcastically. "That's exactly what happened" Henry said. "Yeah sure, babe" I said rolling my eyes playfully. "But Ray, you got to admit it was really funny" I continued. "Really?!? It was funny that Miss. Swellview rejected me in front of everyone??" He asked. "I meant Henry accidentally dumping soy sauce on the mayor" I replied.

"Oh, Well yeah it was funny, he started running to the bathroom yelling 'My pants are ruined' " Ray said chuckling at the memory. "So Char, Did you find out about the thing??" I asked her. "Yep, I stared at him for 5 hours straight" Charlotte said putting her chin on her hand. "What are you guys talking about" Ray asked us. "Mark Patrick's" We replied. "Who's that??" Henry asked. "He the son of the boss of the most popular bugger place in Swellview " I replied. "He's visiting for the weekend" Charlotte said.

"Oh, So you know him??" Ray asked. "I know about him" I replied. "Ivy??" Ray asked me. "Yeah..." I replied. "My sweet Ivy" Ray said hugging me. "What do you want??" I asked pulling away. "I don't want anything, Can't I just hug my favorite niece" He asked. "In your only niece" I replied. "That's not the point" He said. "Please Ray, Just tell me" I begged. "Well I kind of need Henry there too, He's kind of part of it" Ray said. "What do you mean 'im part of it' " Henry asked. "I'll tell you tommorow" Ray said.

Next Day...

I was with Henry in his bedroom eating cereal out of the box, he had coco puffs and I had lucky charms. "Hey Hen??" I said. "Yeah??" He says. "What are we doing??" I asked chuckling. "I don't know, all I know is that im hungry and I want to spend time with you" He replied squeezing me. We went to kiss each other but than both of our watches started beeping. We groaned and Henry flipped his watch open. "What's wrong Ray??" Henry asked in annoyance. "I need to talk to you both" He said.

"Are we fired??" Henry asked panicking. "No, I just need to talk to you both about something that involves mostly Ivy but I need Henrys permission" Ray replied. "Oh ok, we'll be there in 10" I said. "Ok, oh and can you bring some of that cereal your eating??" Ray asked. "Ugh, sure" Henry replied questionly. Henry closed his watch and got up, I got up with him. "Can I jump on your back, im really tired" I asked him. "Yeah sure get on" He said crouching down. I jumped on his back and held on tight. "How are you not heavy??" Henry asked. "Well I weigh 95 pounds" I replied laughing.

He laughs and starts going down the stairs to the front door. "Lets go!!" I yelled giggling a bit. Henry just laughs and continues to walk down the street. As we were entering Junk'n stuff we saw Gooch running and screaming out the door, I looked at Henry and he put me down back on the floor. "Why was Gooch screaming and running out the store??" Henry asked. "I have no idea" I replied. We both walked to the elevator and presses the 'down' button.

Once the elevator stopped free falling, we both got out and walked into the really dimmed Man Cave. "Ray what's wrong with the lights??" I yelled. I got no response so we continued to walk. We than saw a table with three tables, once chair on one side and 2 chairs on the other. I screamed as I felt someone grab my feet, I jump into Henrys arms. We heard Ray laughing behind us. "You should have seen your face, Ivy" He said still laughing. I glared at him and stepped on his foot. "Oww" He groaned in pain.

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