Everyone needs it

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Peter Pan POV

She's glaring at me, just like she did to everyone the last few days. It doesn't really makes me feel good, seeing her like this. 

She is broken, and she has been since the accident. But she acts different. She looks angry all the time, she wants to be tough and strong, but I know otherwise. She is broken inside, she is lost and sad.

No one could make her feel any better, that's because they don't know how. I gave the boys time to make Y/N the girl she was before, but they failed as she began to have distance from them. 

She started acting isolated and didn't talk or look at anyone when she passed by. She started being cold and harsh. She doesn't show sadness, she doesn't cry and that's exactly what I have to change.

She has been strong for too long and it will break her even more if she stays like this. She has to open up, she has to let everything out.

"Why are you here?" She snaps. I slightly raise an eyebrow and step closer, she surprisingly steps backwards. "You went to far, Y/N. You almost reached the beach and you know you would've been punished if you did reach it." She rolls her eyes.

"I'm not dumb, Peter." She spits out my name. "And I don't care being punished, you could do it right away, it would be better," her face is mad. I sigh and step closer again.

"Stop it, whatever you're trying, it won't help," she snaps. "Y/N, you don't get it. Stop acting so tough, stop thinking it was you who did it, because it wasn't your fault." I say as I step closer again. 

Y/N squeezes her eyes and suddenly there's only pain written on her face. "Peter, leave me alone," she whispers, her voice shaking. I shake my head, although she can't see me. "No, Y/N, you need me, I know it. And know I care about you, we all do." She looks up and I know that was exactly what she had to hear.

Still she steps bachwards. "No, Peter, you don't get it. It was my fault! I had to stop him," she looks angry again. She doesn't want to give in, I have to show how much I care, because I really do.

"He dissappeared, because of me," tears appear in her eyes, but she refuses to let them roll down her cheeks. "Y/N, please listen," I now stand infront of her and grab her hand. She wants to pull away, but I hold it. 

"Don't hold it back anymore. Let it out, you're going to feel better, trust me." Again, pain is showing on her face. "B-but-" I cut her off. "It's good, believe in me. Acting tough isn't your type, love. You were sweet and kind and helpfull, now you changed and don't even look someone in the eyes, you can't be like that, it's breaking you and I know it."

Before she can say something I wrap my arms tightly around her. Immediately she bursts into tears and how much it hurts me I know it's the best for her. She grabs me tightly and burries her head into my chest.

She sobs and cries for a good ten minutes. She has been strong for too long, this is what she needed. She was mumbling things, that it was all her fault, but I convinced her it wasn't. And I was right.

The boy who died, who gave his life away, made his own decision. It wasn't Y/N fault.

Y/N falls through her knees. I kneel down with her and together we sit on the ground. It's quiet. I still hold Y/N and I know there are still tears slowly running down her cheeks, but I don't say anything.

I don't want to pressure her. I want to give her time, she needs it for sure.

She needs the care, the time, someone who loves her. Everyone needs it.

As Y/N lays weakly in my arms, I notice she fell asleep. I smile softly and take her into my arms and start carring her back to camp. 


Hey! I am sorry it took so long for an imagine, but I am on holiday, so it will take a little bit longer to update. But I hope you enjoyed! ❤️ 


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