Chapter 7- The journey begins

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*******TEO'S P.O.V*********

The camp has been cleared and loaded into the wagon at least a half an hour ago, all everyone was waiting on was Incendia. As Teo climbs upon his horse, Hammer who is twenty hands tall, he glances back at Incendia who stares at her horse from the spot on the ground that she has yet to move from. His men glance back and forth between Teo and Incendia, Teo and Hammer make their way towards Wolf.

"Take the men, and start walking now, I'll stay behind with the girl and we will meet up with you before nightfall." He orders Wolf who stands at least a head taller than him, despite Teo being on his horse.

"What will you do for protection? You know the attack tonight wasn't random, we are lucky we managed to get her before they did." Wolf answers with his gravelly voice.

"I have swords and she has that panther. Not to mention you saw how strong her powers are, I don't think it would be much of a fight if some scrawny man came at her." Teo replies looking over at the flaming hair with a slight smile.

Wolf lets out a low, rumbling chuckle. "Aye, she is a feisty one. Just be careful, if you keep staring at her like you do she might tear you to bits." Wolf says, looking between the two of them, "But I don't think you'd mind that too much would you?" He adds with a wink, before urging his own gray, speckled horse forward ordering the men to follow him. Teo stares after his giant friend trying to comprehend what he just said. After a few more moments he shakes his head and makes his way over to Incendia.

Teo dismounts Hammer and sits down next to her in silence, unsure of what to say to comfort her. Still staring ahead she says tonelessly, "I saw my brother get cut with a knife and fall to the ground. I don't know if he is alive or dead, I don't know if any of my family is and I'm supposed to tramp about the world to an entirely different realm?"

"Ah yes, that was quite unfortunate what happened to your brother, it's a good thing you have another to spare correct?" He asks flashing her a smile.

Incendia gives him a withering look that makes Teo instantly regret his earlier remark. "That is my brother! Not some toy that you had growing up as a child that you loose one day, so you just replace it with another one from a nursery. What is wrong with you? How would you feel if one of your family members died?" She shouts at him furiously with disbelief etches on every inch of her face. Immediately she gets up to move away from him, she stands by her horse, a young bay mare with her arms crossed shaking. Vidar, hisses at him with much ferocity for upsetting his owner before stalking over to her.

Teo stares at her bewildered, after all if his brother died not only would he not feel sadness, but instead he'd feel relief. Instinctively his hand reaches to touch the large, welted scar under his shirt on his shoulder blade. The memory of his elder brother burns as bright as Incendia's hair in his memory, it comes as a surprise to him that all elder brothers are not the same, especially when thos elder brothers are given power.

Teo hesitantly walks over to where Incendia stands, still shaking taking raspy breaths. He slowly places a hand on her shoulder causing her to look over at him with those gray eyes glistening with tears. Vidar gives him a warning growl, he quickly retracts his hand from her shoulder.

Teo awkwardly stares down, away from those tear filled eyes, at the dusty grownd which he digs the tip of his leather boot in, " Listen, I....I didn't have the easiest childhood growing up, you clearly had a better brother than I did. It was completely and utterly wrong of me to just assume that he was like my brother. We do not know for sure he was even injured that badly, by going to the Summer palace, you can save him, you can help save everyone." Teo attempts to say reassuringly looking up at her with a strained smile, although the severity of her brother's wound was hard to miss.

Incendia seems to buy his false reassurance, she looks down at her ball gown with a sigh. "If we are going to be travelling undercover, I don't think this outfit is exactly the best suited for it." She says gesturing to the shimmering bodice. Teo knows she is right, but he can't help but admire how strong and capable she looks in the gown.

"When we reach my men, we have a soldier who's father was a tailor. He was supposed to go into that trade but choose knighthood instead, much to his father's dispair I am sure. Perhaps he can find you something." Teo tells her before holding her mare steady as she mounts it. Vidar stands behind the mare making her a little skittish.

Teo then mounts Hammer and brings him along side the bay mare and Incendia. Incendia gives him a nod, her a fask a amsk of bravery again causing him to feel light hearted. Giving her a wicked grin he urges his horse to run full speed, leaving her in the dust. As he speeds away, he sees Incendia's face turn to surprise for a split second before urging both her horse and her panther to ride forward at full speed. Incendia matches him stride for stride, when Vidar comes out of nowhere running ahead of both riders, causing Incendia to laugh. She has a slow, melodic laugh that is contagious, soon enough Teo is laughing too, both of them laughing together, trying to forget the events that happened earlier even if it is just for a moment.

After their laughter subsided, Incendia turns to Teo and says with lively eyes, "You know, my brother, Matteo and I were so close when we were younger, he always let me play with the boys, he knew I'd rather do that than read. He is a bit of a ladies man, well a lot of one but he is one of the funniest people you'd ever meet. He is also one of the best leaders I've seen in along time, he'd make a great king."  The last part sounds wistful and questioning Teo notices.

"You'll be a great leader too someday Dia." He tells her using his name for her.

Incendia just shakes her head at the sound of the nickname. "What about you? Tell me about your brother." She asks him curiously.

"We need to get a move on, we are running out of day light." Teo tells her shortly staring straight ahead.

"But-" Incendis begins to protest.

"I said lets move." He coldy cuts her off, urging his horse forward again, but this time Incendia didn't try to race him, she just let him lead.

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying my story! Thank you to everyone that has been commenting and voting, it really means a lot! Leave a comment if you enjoyed the story or if you have any criticisms, all the feedback I've been getting has already made me a better writer and given me fresh ideas for this story!

I might try to update another chapter later today if you guys would be interested! Please vote and comment! Thank you everyone! =) Remeber the best comment, suggestion, idea anything gets the next chapter dedicated to them!

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