Chapter 4

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*Teo's POV*

Teo stares down at the pale girl with the vivid red hair. This is her? There is no way this tiny thing could be the answer to all of our problems. He thinks to himself. But even as before he finishes the thought he can feel her power, subtle and gentle like snowflakes, but impossible to dismiss.

"Put her up on Blaze!" He tells one of his men indicating to the giant, bay colored geilding ties to a willow tree. As the man gently begins lifting the girl up onto the horse, the sound of powerful footbeats makes him hesitate, the sound of an angry growl makes him freeze in place.

All twelve men, slowly turn their heads just a fraction to see a giant panther running towards them at top speed. His lips are curled, showing the sharp teeth that are as white as the snow flying out from underneath his paws and as deadly as the swords glinting on the men's sides.

Teo pauses, he can see his men reaching towards their swords with shaking hands, but the beast only seems to have eyes for one person, the girl.

"Hold!" He calls out towards his men. "Conroy, put the girl down in the wagon as quickly as you can." He briskly tells the man holding the princess. They all wait in bated silence, still fingering their weapons as Conroy puts the girl in the wagon used for carting supplies and weapons.

With a ferocious growl, the panther runs swiftly through the makeshift camp and pounces into the wagon containing the girl. Immediately Teo rushes over to attempt to save this girl from the beast but is surprised to see the animal licking the girl's face and nudging her hand. The girls eyes flutter awake when she feels the rough, pink tongue of the cat upon her pale checks.

Teo sees the girls gray eyes look over at the panther and smile, but the smile immediately disappears when she spies him as rememberance and confusion dawns on her, her gray eyes grow darker and darker; like a tornado destorying everything in it's path. Teo can feel her magic more now, before when she was calm it felt like a gentle snowfall, but now it feels like a blizzard mixed in with hail, swift and sharp. Despite her frail and non-threatening demeanor, this was definetly the girl, he can just feel it.

"Who are you? Where is Matteo? You are going to regret hurting him and taking me? Do you have any idea who we are? Who I am?" The girl asks with her eyes flashing with anger.

So she had seen the unfortunate incident with her brother, he was hoping she hadn't, her emotions are wrecking havoc as it is. With the amount of power generating off of her, it can be dangerous for everyone, the angrier she gets, the more he can feel her magic like it is cutting the inside of him with ice shards. The wind around the make shift camp composed of a dying fire, tied up horses and blankets begins to pick up, the air also drops at least twenty degrees.

"Your highness! You need to suppress your powers, you are causing a storm!" Teo shouts over the roar of the wind.

The girl's gray eyes widen in confusion at the word powers. Impossible, she must know about her powers, she is of the royal line.

"You lie! There is not such thing as powers! Magic is an old wise tail." Her voice comes out high pitched as she too shouts to be heard.

"If it isn't real, then where did this storm come? If you don't believe me then just try to calm down and see what happens!" Teo yells back, but the wind is too strong and she can't hear him.

"What?" She mouths black with her stormy, dark eyes.

"Calm the hell down!" Teo roars back at her.

She is startled at his outburst. Her hesitation lessens the wind to a powerful breeze, still rough but bearable.

"See! You just need to keep your powers in check and we will be fine." Teo says, his voice hoarse from yelling over the wind.

The girl casts a critical gaze at the stormy sky that resembles her eyes and says, "It's a coincidence. This is the Winter Kingdom, the weather isn't going to be sunny and warm, it's going to be erractic. This isn't the Summer Kingdom, this isn't your home." Her gaze is proud and defiant, it's hard to remember that she looked frail sleeping just five minutes ago.

Teo quickly covers his surprise at the mention of the Summer Kingdom. He was told this princess was sheltered and had never been outside of her kingdom, he heard she'd barely been outside her own palace before. 

Using his soothing voice, her gestures for her to sit down on the blankets near the dying fire. " It looks as though we both have questions."

The girl snorts but gets out of the carts and flops down on the blankets in a most unlady like manner. With a short whistles, the panther to jumps out of the wagon, causing the whole thing to shake and curls up next to her.

Teo looks at both of them, trying to decipher his emotions. One thing is for certain, he thinks ot himself, this will not be as easy as he thought.

Heyo guys! So slowly but surely I'm getting more readers which is fantastic! For those of you that have been commenting and voting on my stuff it's so helpful! I might right more tonight from Incendi'as POV because its 95 degrees outside and I'm afraid of my skin melting off.

Anyhooooo if you guys have any question or comments, please please PLEASEEEE comment Ilove getting comments! Hopefully I'll have another chapter up tonight or tomorrow morning for you all! =^)

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