11-On The Topic Of Star Wars.

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Edmund patiently suffered through an entire journey of Classic FM before he and Hawes arrived once more in Lesser Farthing. They spoke very little as Hawes unloaded a small hessian bag from her car, and Edmund watched her curiously.

"Want another cup of tea, ma'am?" he asked, as she locked her car without another word and strode off down the pavement.

"You don't need any more coffee, Gray" Hawes retorted. "And no, thank you."

"Damn" Edmund smiled ruefully, lengthening his stride to catch up with her. "There was me thinking I was being clever."

"When are you ever clever?"

"I've saved two lives on this job."

"By nearly killing yourself in the process, yes. There's a fine line between calculated bravery and stupidity, and I'm never totally sure which side of it you're on."

"Always so supportive of me, aren't you, ma'am?"


By this point, they had reached the bottom of the hill, and went through the little rickety gate, beginning to climb.

"What's the plan then, ma'am?"

"You'll see."

Edmund humphed. He hadn't been expecting quite so blunt an answer. He was still in the clothes he had been wearing the previous night, and was wondering when exactly he was going to get to shower. Hopefully, not much later than that lunchtime.

As something occurred to him, he fished his phone out of his pocket, sending Tiger a quick text.

I know you all hate me and stuff, but pls could someone drop me off a change of clothes (preferably a suit!) at the station?? Cos idek when I'm gonna be back...

"What's that?" Hawes asked abruptly, as she saw him put his phone away.

"Change of clothes" Edmund replied. "I'm trying to persuade my friends to drop me some at the station, so I can shower. I know they're bloody awful showers, but I doubt we'll be going home anytime soon."

"Fair point" Hawes conceded, as they reached the stone courtyard. "Come on."

The two of them reached the top of the hill, and Hawes dumped Edmund with the Hessian bag. He grunted a little in surprise, as it was incredibly heavy.

"The hell's in here?" he asked.

"A very powerful UV light" Hawes replied, motioning for Edmund to bend down to her level so she could reach inside the bag he now carried like a baby. "I wouldn't carry it like that. It'll get hot once I've switched it on."

"Won't it, like, burn through this bag?" Edmund pointed out, feeling like his knees were going to give way as he squatted awkwardly in a half-crouch. Hawes sucked her lip, intent on what she was doing.

"Hasn't so far" she replied casually. "On this occasion, I think I can take my chances."

She pulled out a white rod about the length of Edmund's forearm, and plugged a wire into it. She then retrieved something which Edmund could only describe as a Star Wars lightsaber hilt, opened it up, and clipped it around the rod. The inner geek in Edmund couldn't help but grin.

"I mean" Hawes carried on. "You are only holding the battery-what?"

Edmund realised that he had been smirking a little too widely. He tried his best to mask it. Hawes looked from her Sargeant to the UV light in her hand, making the connection.

"Don't say lightsaber" she groaned, setting off across the courtyard, Edmund trotting behind her, now attached by the wire. Mischievously, he hummed the Star Wars Imperial March tune just loud enough for Hawes to hear him.

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