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To: BFF💋💞💗
It was great I really enjoyed

From: BFF💋💞💗
I'm happy for you.... But if he breaks your heart I'm gonna..

To: BFF💋💞💗
Yeah yeah I know hahah

There was a knock on my door "come in" "hey" Alex said smileing "hi" "can you come to the living room?" "yeah ok I will be there in 5" "okay" Alex said and went out.

I went to the living room and everybody was quiet. There was a tablet on a table I saw my parents were facetiming us. " hi mum hi dad umm... why are you facetaming?" "actually I don't know Alex called us" my mum said and I looked to Alex.

"Y/N I wanted to ask you something." he said shy. "Okay?" " well I meet you two months ago and-" "67 DAYS!! IT WAS 67 DAYS AGO!!" my dad said and we all laughed cuz when we meet them he was more happy than me. "Yeah okay 67 days ago hahah and I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and I wanted to ask you out so many times but didn't know how and when I did two days ago and you said yes I was the happiest and yesterday was so fun... Well point is... Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" he said and I cried while I jumped in his arms "YES. YES I WILL" I said and he kissed me.

"I love you Y/N" "I love you too " everyone was claping and we both blushed.

~at night in your room~

"You know I was supposed to ask you on the race" Alex said when we were cuddling "What?" "yes me and Marc did this plan that if I would won the race I would ask you on the podium hahah and when we finished the plan Marc said 'It all depends on victory now'"

It's the end of this story😊. I hope you really enjoyed the whole story. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read this story it really means alot to me 💖😊.

It All Depends On Victory - Alex Marquez ✔Where stories live. Discover now