Chapter 7: Seeing Things

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"Are the meals always this heavy?" Madison asks Hermione as they leave the Great Hall after dinner.

"Usually," Hermione says, "but it's always-"

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!" Malloy interrupts, approaching the group, looking rather smug.

"What?" Ron asks curtly.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Malfoy started, opening a copy of the Daily Prophet with a flourish and raising his voice so that the whole hall could hear. "Listen to this!


It seems as though the Ministry of Magic's troubles are not yet at an end, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Recently under fire for it's poor crowd control at the Quidditch World Cup, and still unable to account for the disappearance of one of its witches, the Ministry was plunged into fresh embarrassment yesterday by the antics of Arnold Weasley, of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office."

Malfoy's head snapped up from the paper. "Imagine them not even getting his name right, Weasley. It's almost as though he's a complete nonentity, isn't it?" he said.

The whole hall was listening intently now and he straightened the paper and continued:

Arnold Weasley who was charged with possession of a flying car two years ago, was yesterday involved in a tussle with several Muggle law keepers ("policemen") over a number of highly aggressive dustbins. Mr. Weasley appears to have rushed to the aid of "Mad-Eye" Moody, the aged ex-Auror who retired from the Ministry when no longer able to tell the difference between a handshake and attempted murder. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Weasley found, upon arrival at Men Moody's heavily guarded house, that Mr. Moody had once again raised a false alarm. Mr. Weasley was forced to modify several memories before he could escape from the policemen, but refused to answer Daily Prophet questions about why he had involved the Ministry in such an undignified and potentially embarrassing scene.

"And there's a picture, Weasley!" Malfoy said as he pointed out a picture on the paper. "A picture of
your parents outside their house--if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn't she?"

Ron was visibly furious and looked like he could pounce on Malfoy any second now.

"Get stuffed, Malfoy," Harry said.


"Oh yeah you were staying with them this summer weren't you, Potter?" Malfoy sneered with a smirk on his face, "So tell me is his mother really that porky or is it just the picture?"

Ron looked ready launch himself forward so Harry, Hermione, and Madison had to grab ahold of him to hold him back

"You know your mother, Malfoy? That expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that or is it just because you were with her?" Harry spat at Malfoy whose ears and cheeks turned pink.

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter."

"Keep your fat mouth shut then," Harry snapped at Malfoy as he turned away.

A loud BANG! sounded and Madison felt a white hot weight slam into her, sending her crashing to the floor with a loud thud.

There was another crash from somewhere in the entrance hall, but Madison can't tell where it's coming from as her vision clouds. She feels something warm trickling down her forehead and can only make out muffled voices. Through her cloudy vision, she could make out Moody and he was standing in front of what looked like a ferret and he
was bouncing it all about hall.

    "The hell?" Madison mutters before everything goes dark.


   "Tsk tsk tsk."

    Madison opens her eyes and glanced around the room. She is sitting in the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey tends to a cut in her forehead.

    "So many injuries," Madam Pomfrey chastises before handing Madison an ice pack. "Try to keep yourself out of trouble. Now go on. Get back to your common room to rest.

In her dorm, Madison finds Hannah Abbott sifting through her belongings. On one of the beds she sees a girl with tightly coiled, raven colored hair and caramel colored skin, sprawl out on her bed, flipping through a book. The girl curtly introduced herself as Mallory, barely glancing up at Madison.

As Madison settled on her bed, another girl comes out of the bathroom. She is tall with her platinum blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail atop her head. She shakes Madison's hand and warmly introduces herself as Blaire.

"I heard about the scuffle outside the Great Hall," Blair's said in her chipper tone, "are you doing quite alright?"

"Oh yeah it's nothing to really worry about," Madison said, waving it off, "just Malfoy being a dick is all."

"You can say that again," Mallory said from her spot in the bed, "a right git that one is. Not much I wouldn't give to see him get his arse kicked."

"Now that's a bit harsh, Mallory," Blaire chastised."

"No, that's just a little rude. Harsh is cursing people and nearly breaking their face," Mallory responded, nodding in Madison's direction.

"I would agree it's a bit harsh," Madison said with a smirk.

"Well, perhaps, I just don't enjoy senseless violence," Blaire said, laying her night clothes on her bed.

"Or, perhaps, you're too nice to sock a git," Mallory said with a cheeky grin and a wink.

"Perhaps," Blaire whispered as her cheeks tinged pink.

Before Madison went to bed that night she took a seat at the desk and wrote a letter to her parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing just after having finished my first day of classes. After today I can honestly say i have squeezed pus from plants, attempted to turn a turtle into a bell, and-Madison knew fibbing a little about going to all of her classes wouldn't hurt anyone- learned about the history of magic. Oh and out of the four houses I was sorted into Hufflepuff. Go badgers! Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine and I've made some great friends and I miss you guys!



She read the letter over and nodded approvingly. It's short, sweet, and to the point. She folded the parchment and the stuck it into an envelope and placed it in one of her books so she would remember to take it up to the owlery to send off tomorrow at lunch.

Madison showered and did her nightly routine. When she was finally ready she pulled back the quilt and slid under it. As she dozed off she thought about what events the next few days could bring. And then she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

A/N okay I know this is a bit shorter than most chapters and well it sucks I'm sorry so this is kind of like a filler again sorry anyway love ya guys!💛❤💙💚

An American Fangirl at Hogwarts《1》of the ☆Ink and Pixels☆ series Harry Potter Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang