Part Two: Voices and Guardians

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The majority of the student body at Hyrulian High school never questioned the queerness of attending a public institution named after a long dead culture. There was no room in their small and insignificant extra minds. All tens of their IQ points went into avoiding the fabled and stalking voice that plagued the halls. The nagging female with an unnecessary forgien accent slowly burned holes into the minds of everyone that heard her. Every time a new student arrived, time stopped while she dished out basic introductions and instructions. In truth, Hyrulian High was an unforgiving and ruthless land, and the voice only added to the awkwardness of sweaty teens fighting for their lives.

Link had been unfortunate enough to be the only new student since freshman class arrived. Even the bottom of the food chain knew the horrors of being fresh meat. Sure, the voice was bad, but the real threat came in the form of the Guardians, the school football team. They were the dictionary definition of high school popularity. Annoying, overly prevalent, and way too hard to slaughter when your just starting out even though it's incredibly easy to find one after leaving the Great Plateau and cover the area that's right next to one of the easiest towers to get to. But it's not like it bothered Link. Getting shit on by Guardians was the least of his problems, however, he discovered. It seemed like his inherent gayness had attracted the wrong crowd. In the first seven minutes of being on campus, he had already received a dozen of hand crafted love notes and confession letters. The pain of knowing he couldn't be loved by his one and only hurt more than the Guardians lazer fists of death (emotionally, not physically. Those punches really fucking hurt him). As a shy girl with white hair handed him a freshly baked apple, the boy could no longer hold his intense distress. Instead of video calling his love like a sane person, Link ran off in a fit of tears, openly ignoring the main quest of speaking to the lady that would truly start his journey through high school.
"S-Sidon!" he cried. The "minimalistic" music made his apparent loneliness even worse, only the whispers of judgmental teenagers left to fill the emptiness.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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