Chapter 33

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Aelin had sent Aidan out for a ride with Evie, watching as they disappeared from the estate, before turning and making her way to one of the palace's many council rooms. Everyone was already seated when she launched through the door. 

Rowan took her hand under the table as she nodded at the males around her. Gavriel, Lorcan, and Connall had always been a part of the Council, but she had decided to invite Azriel to this one. Though not a part of her court, Aelin thought he belonged there with them. She hated the meetings, but this one was necessary. 

"Connall, you can start," Aelin said, waving at him and delving into the pastry Rowan had placed in front of her when she came in. 

"I don't have good news," Connall warned, his face darker than usually.

Through a bite of pastry, Aelin mumbled, "You never have good news, Connall." 

"Using their roots in Adarlan, Femora has started to push the borders of Fenharrow with very little resistance. Some of our spies tell me that Adrian moved some of his soldiers to the border of Terrasen, but Terrasen pushed back, making it very clear they weren't afraid to go to war with him."

Aelin swallowed before saying, "Okay, Con. I love Erilea, but truly, the only alliance we have is with Adarlan and Terrasen. Has Fenharrow asked for aide?"

"No, they haven't asked for any aide, and I haven't gotten to the bad news yet."

"Well, what could be worse than King Stupid of 'New Femora'?"

"The King of Adarlan is dead," Connall replied, straight to the point. Aelin's heart dropped, thinking of the girl she had just sent out with her daughter. Aelin flashed her eyes towards Azriel and picked up on the pain in his own eyes. He understood what that meant for Aidan.

Clearing her throat, Aelin asked, "Is that all?"

"Well, more Femorian ships were spotted landing in Rifthold the other day, all of them full of soldiers and supplies. Do you think we should do something about it?"

"No. Not yet. Unless Adrian forces our hand by invading Terrasen, I don't think it's wise to intervene until Aidan is ready to go back to Adarlan," Aelin replied, and Connall nodded. 

"What about you, Lorcan?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't really have much. I've had scouts all through Doranelle and Wendlyn. They haven't found anything off at all. It's like the portal opened up and shut just as quickly. Have you made any progress with the Wyrdmarks?"

Aelin was still for a second before shaking her head, feeling just a twang of guilt shoot through her. It wasn't a complete lie. She hadn't made any progress with the Wyrdmarks.

"Then, I don't have anything else," Lorcan finished. 

"Gavriel, Rowan. Do you have anything to add?" Aelin said, stuffing the last of the pastry into her mouth. 

"Hmm," Rowan started, "Aidan has come a long way with her training. Thanks to Azriel, she's finally able to tap into that second well. It's like he just siphoned the magic up for her to use."

Rowan laughed, but Aelin could only manage a small smile, looking at Gavriel expectantly.

"Several of the residents in Doranelle have asked permission to move out of the city wards to establish larger estates," Gavriel said, framing it as a question. 

"That's fine. Let them know that the city wards don't expand past the bridge, so they would rely on Doranelle's wards if we were under attack, but they can build wherever they want, dependent on their land titles."

"I'll let them know," Gavriel replied.

"If that's it, you're all free to go punch each other in the gut in the training room now," Aelin said lightly. 

Rowan kissed her, licking a crumb off of her lips before leaving the room, followed closely behind by Lorcan, Gavriel, and Connall. Azriel remained seated across the table from her. 

"Aidan's father is dead," Azriel said simply.

"He is," Aelin replied, folding her hands together on the top of the table.

"What will she do?" he asked.

Aelin shrugged, "I don't really know. From what I've seen, Aidan and the King were never very close, but he was a good enough father to her. She'll miss him. She's alone now."

Azriel nodded.

"This means that she's Queen. Of Adarlan. You understand that, right?" Aelin asked. 

Hoarsely, Azriel replied, "I know."

It was Aelin's turn to nod as she stood up from the Council table. She turned to leave the room when his words stopped her.

"You lied before," he said from behind. Aelin's heart skipped a beat, and she returned to her chair.

"You picked up that, huh?" Aelin asked.

"I'm a Shadowsinger," he said, as if that was explanation enough. "You haven't made any progress with the Wyrdmarks, but you've figured something out. Something to do with my Siphon that you keep playing with in your pocket."

Aelin was silent for a few moments, debating on whether or not to tell him what she had learned.

"I know how to send you home, Azriel," Aelin said, quietly.

The large male moved more quickly than she ever expected, pulling her into a big hug with his wings and everything. 

"What do you have to do?" he asked, sitting her back in her seat carefully.

"It's not about what I have to do. Or you, for that matter," Aelin sighed.

"Then, who?" he said. Before she could answer, she saw the realization in his eyes.

"She can take you back, but she'll have to go with you."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapters and lack of updates. I'm having a mix of busy days and some writer's block. As always, thank you all so much for the reads, comments, and votes! 

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