Chapter 10

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Bloody Femorian hands pushed her along the cold stone corridor, and Aidan snarled at them. She was the great-granddaughter of Dorian Havilliard, most beloved King of Adarlan, and Manon Blackbeak, High Witch of the Blackbeaks and Queen of the Cochrans, and she didn't really appreciate being pushed around in her own home by Femorian trash. 

She heard the murmur of voices as they approached the throne room. Fear and anger lodged in her heart, and she became still as she took in her surroundings. There were more Femorian soldiers guarding the door. They stopped her and the soldiers that had pushed her from her rooms. A few of them whispered among themselves, sometimes stealing glances her way. Aidan glared at them. One of the men left his post and went into the throne room. 

When he returned, he grabbed her arm violently; she knew that she would be marked with bruises from his grip. 

"Announcing the arrival of Aidan Meara Ashryver Havilliard, future wife of King Adrian of New Femora," the soldier exclaimed loudly from beside her as they entered the room. Aidan cringed as Adrian approached her, wearing on of her father's crowns. 

"Hello, lovely. Don't you look beautiful tonight," he said as his eyes raked over her. He nodded at the soldier, who finally released her and returned to his station.

"I have read every geography book in this castle. I have the best geography tutor in Erilea, and yet I have never heard of New Femora, King," Aidan replied coldly. 

"Oh, you're standing in it, my dear. I have claimed this savage kingdom for my father and my country," Adrian laughed. He said it as if she were dumb, and perhaps he thought she was. Femorians were known for disregarding women. "You should be relieved, Aidan. Now you don't have to worry your pretty little mind about ruling this kingdom. Women are supposed to be mothers, not rulers."

And without being able to stop herself, Aidan slapped him right across the face. Once of his hands came up to cover his cheek, where she had landed her palm. She could see the rage in his eyes, but she didn't care. 

"This is NOT your country to claim. Adarlan is my father's and will one day be mine, but it will never, ever be ruled by a Femorian piece of trash. Do you really think that my people would follow you? You'll have uprisings in the streets." 

A dark laugh that Aidan didn't recognize spilled from her lips. The prince's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything to her right away. Aidan's face hardened as she looked around the room. She didn't recognize anybody.  How long had Femora been planning this outright act of war? 

"Where is my father, little Prince?" When he didn't answer, she continued, "Where is your father? Does he know that you just started a war that will cost your family everything?"

"I think you need to reconsider how you speak to your future husband. You are nothing here without me; I have stripped you of your titles and lands. You are only here because of my good will. With one snap of my fingers, I could have you thrown out on the street like the whore you are, or  I could have you thrown into the dungeon and let you rot, or I could even have them cut off your head. So, you see, I really don't think you want to threaten me." Heat nipped at Aidan's fingertips as the Prince continued to speak. 

"You will obey me because I can do the same to your father, and I know you really don't want that, lovely, so I suggest you start being a little bit nicer to me," he finished.  A sadistic grin crept onto his face as he took a step closer and put a hand on the small of her back.

Aidan took a step back and replied through gritted teeth, "Do not touch me or my father. I might be alone here, but Adarlan has allies across this continent and beyond, who will not stand having Femorian trash on our throne. You chose Adarlan as your foothold on this continent because you thought we were weak, but we are anything but. Get out of my kingdom and get out of my house," as she finished she turned to leave the silent but crowded throne room. Heat crawled up and down her body, begging to be released, but Aidan kept it on a close leash.

A hand grabbed her arm and whipped her around. 

Before the prince could say anything, Aidan punched him in the face with a small but blazing fist. 

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