Lovers Pass

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   The rooster crowed out back signaling it was time to get up, but what I really wanted to do was give him a piece of my mind. My head was killing me, still hung over from last nights attempts to drown out my sorrows. I don't feel up for lecture so I roll over; but then the dogs bark, the horses neigh, and I'm pretty sure a f***king stampede is just around the corner.

   Stupid animals with stupid needs, why can't they just skip breakfast like I was bound to do? It'd be a h*** of a lot easier. Yea, that's right, keep dreaming Renee.

   I practically fall out of bed and trip over everything humanly possible and ended up on a heap in the floor after stubbing my toe on my d***ed dresser. The sun leaked through my window, but stopped before it swallowed me in its warmth. That's right b****, stay where you are.

   I finally made my way outside to see my father already tending to the cattle so I head to the chicken coop. Time to face those savages and steal their unborn young. Whoop-di-do.
   That's a lot easier said than done.

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