Meeting Jacob Black

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Chapter 3

            I woke up groggily because of the sound of the alarm and the fact that I’m wrapped up with my duvet. I’m sure I didn’t have this on last night. Who did this? Because I’m pretty sure that the door is locked. I just shrugged it off and went downstairs and smelled my favorite food, ‘Good morning Ella, so since you didn’t met my best friend yesterday how about you meet him today?’ I’m not doing anything today and I needed a distraction. ‘Sure. I should probably get ready.’

            I grabbed all the stuff I needed then went to shower. After 20 minutes, wow that’s a new record. We then climbed inside her car and headed to La Push. I played with her radio to find a decent station and Save Me Tonight by One Direction played. ‘Hey Bells.’ and instead of looking at her, I looked outside the scenery. ‘Yeah Ells?’ she said. ‘Could you drop me off first to the beach and just fetch your friend? I just want to be alone for a few minutes. Is that okay?’ I asked her nervously. ‘Sure. Just don’t wonder off and go to the forest alone. Okay?’ she said. ‘Okay. I promise.’ I told her.

            She then dropped me at the beach and fetched her friend. I took off my converse shoes and began to feel the sand on my toes. The beach was breathtaking. I then looked around the beach and found no one and I mentally thanked that luck was on my side. I then began to recall the memories I had with my best friend. Being here at the beach feels like she never left me. I then began to feel the guilt, anger and sadness engulfed me. Livvy shouldn’t be the one dead. The one who is supposed to be dead right now should be me and not her. She should be here right now, enjoying life.

            ‘Ells!’ someone screamed my name. I then turned around and waved at Bella signaling her that I heard her. I barely looked at her friend beside her. Instead I looked at the ocean and never dared to look at her friend. I then faced them but looked only at Bella. ‘Ella, this is my best friend Jake.’ she told me and added, ‘Jake, this is my little sister Rafaella Marie Swan.’ I just gave him my best smile but never looked at him but looked beyond him, the forest.

            Silence then suddenly was in the air. But Bella’s phone began to ring and said, ‘I’ll just take the call.’ then began to talk at someone on the phone. ‘So, how do you feel about Forks?’ Jake asked. I then told him, ‘Forks is great.’ short and simple. Not that bad. ‘You don’t really talk much do you?’ he asked.

            I mentally asked myself; did Bella tell him something that she shouldn’t have? Nah. I don’t think so. She knows how I like my privacy. Maybe this guy just doesn’t get the hint that I don’t really want to talk. I didn’t had the chance to respond to his question when Bells said, ‘Hey Jake, Ells and I should go. Edward called and said that Ells should meet his family.’ Hmm. The more distraction, lesser the pain.

            Jake then said, ‘Can I talk to you for a second Bella? Alone.’ Wow. He is practically pissed. Hmm. I then looked at him properly and let me tell you, he has broad shoulders, tall around 6 fit, masculine, and russet skins. He looks older than Bella and I but looks can be deceiving. The way he looks at Bella is something else. It’s like the way Edward looks at Bella but the thing is Bella loves him as much.

            I got the hint and went farther away from them. I don’t even want to hear what Jake wants to talk about. I can see that he is practically in love with Bella. The way he looks at her but Bells already has Edward, the one, as she calls it. I don’t really blame her. The way Edward looks at Bella, the protectiveness, love and care is there. But I really don’t get why he left her. Maybe he had reasons but it doesn’t leave the fact that Bella gone crazy when he left.

            I suddenly felt that I was being watched. I checked my surrounding and I don’t even recognize the place. Great, just freaking great! One minute, I’m just walking along the shore the next thing I know I got lost in thought and walked around the forest. I even promised Bells that I won’t go into the forest. Just my luck! I tried to walk around some more and re-track my way but everything looks the same.

            I then saw a figure. Hallelujah! ‘Hey! Hey you!’ I called out. The figure then walked towards me. I then looked at her, she has red hair, and blood shot red eyes. She gave me a smirk and her figure is to die for. She finally was a few feet away from me and I said, ‘Hey, could you help me? I am a bit lost and my sister and her friend might be looking for me.’ She gave me a smile, not a warm smile but a creepy smile and she said, ‘I’m sure they’re not looking for you right now.’ Okay, that’s a bit weird. This girl is giving me the creeps and I don’t like the way she looks at me. ‘I’ll probably should go and get back. It was nice meeting you.’ I said to her.

            I turned my back at her and began to walk away from her. Suddenly she appeared in front of me. I am really scared right now and I took a step back and she then said, ‘Now now. Don’t try to run now. Even if you run, I’m sure I can catch you easily. You smell divine.’ She then touched my face and the next thing is that I was thrown to something very hard and I felt lightheaded. All I can feel is pain, excruciating pain on my arm and on my head. Maybe this is how Livvy felt it before she died. The vision became blurry. I no longer see the red head girl but I can see another figure. A familiar boy and all went black.

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