The Pull

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Chapter 2

            I was having fun partying with my friends back at Phoenix. I didn’t drink anything since I was the designated driver. Then they decided that we should all go to McDonalds and buy some food because we were running out. Livvy and I volunteered since we are the only sober out of the group. We both climbed in the car and I started driving.

            No. No. This is just a dream. But the truth is and it did happen. I willed myself to get up before the worst thing happened but it was all too late.

            ‘Raffy, promise me we’ll keep in touch. No matter what happens we’ll be there for each other. Oh god. This is too cheesy for us.’ Livvy said. I then faced her and said, ‘I promise you that. It’s okay to be cheesy Livvy. We are still awesome and we all know that.’ and we both chuckled. She then faced towards the road and screamed, ‘Raffy, look out!’ the next thing I now, a bright light was heading our way. I tried to swerve so that we won’t crash the other car that was heading our way but it was all too late.

            I woke up and saw a bright light and everything was all white. I saw mom and Phil on the couch sleeping. All I heard was the monitor beeping. ‘Mom … Mom…’ I said with a weak voice. She heard me and said, ‘Oh thank God you are safe. Thank God.’ I was confused. Of course I am safe and then it hit me.

            I began to hyperventilate and said, ‘Mom, where’s Livvy? Is she okay? Can I see her?’ she then gave a sympathetic look and I screamed, ‘No! No! Livvy! Livvy! Mom, please tell me you’re just joking. Tell me what room she is!’ I began to sit up and find her but mom stopped me and called Phil and said, ‘Phil, call the nurse. Hurry! Phil! Nurse!’

            I then began to cry hysterically and I said, ‘Mom, please. I need to see her. I know she’s out there. Please mom.’ I begged her and she wouldn’t budge. A nurse then appeared then injected something on the IV.

            I didn’t speak to anyone. Livvy’s parents came and visited me. They even tried talking to me but it feels like my vocal cord doesn’t want to work. They said that the other driver was at fault. He was very drunk and high. But to me I was my own fault. They should all blame me. It was my fault why Livvy is not here. The driver didn’t even have a scratch on his face and body, luck was on his side. As for me, I was in a coma for 2 weeks.

            I was depressed for almost 6 months. I vowed to never drive again but the truth is I’m scared to drive again. Mom and Phil saw the drastic change of behavior and set me an appointment with a counselor. At first I was hesitant to open up, so I put a front that I am better and fine with okay. Because I felt that it was my responsibility and I should be blame. No one noticed this thanks to my acting classes.

            ‘Ella. Ella, honey. Wake up.’ a familiar voice said. I then woke up scared. ‘Hey. Hey. Ells, it’s okay. It’s just a dream. Are you okay? You were screaming.’ Bella said. I then started crying. I tried to stop it but it was like a broken faucet. Bella then started humming a song, it was our song and with that I was already calm.

‘I remember tears streaming down your face when I said "I'll never let you go"

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said "don't leave me here alone"

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight’

‘Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound.’

I've Been Waiting All My LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ