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Erin was laying on the couch, bored. She had been washing clothes and ironing all day until her hands were sore. She couldn't stand doing nothing. Now she was just watching the clocks hands go round. She fell asleep after a while.

Erin was woken up by a text;
Meet me at my desk in half an hour. Jay x

Erin wondered why Jay asked her to meet him. She got up off the sofa and changed from her pyjamas into jeans and a loose shirt. She then texted Jay that she was on her way.

She drove to precinct and parked outside. She walked in the door and couldn't see any of her friends. Trudy was at the front desk as usual though. "Erin how are you doing?" She asked as she walked by. "Really good thanks sergeant Platt, but dying to get back to work." Erin answered. "Thats what I like to hear," Trudy replied. Erin walked upstairs to intelligence. The place was deserted so she sat on the edge of Jay's desk to wait for him.

He came in a few minutes later. "Hey, how come you wanted to meet me?" Erin asked. Jay came and sat down beside her. "I wanted to ask you something and I didn't want to wait, I just wanted to hear your answer," Jay said "but first, how are you and the baby doing?" He put his hand to Erin's stomach. "We are both good but a little bored as he/she likes to spend their time kicking away in my stomach," she told him. Erin put her hand on top of Jay's, they could feel the kicks of the baby. "Wow," Jay was mesmerised. "So what was it you wanted to ask me?" Erin snapped Jay back to focus. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot.. okay...I think we should move in together."

"Really?" Erin asked. "Well I don't like being away from you when I'm at my apartment and I think it will be easier for us when the baby comes," he said looking at her worriedly, "if you don't want to that's fine, I just thought it was the right time." "Yes, Jay Halstead, I will move in with you." She said, "but we are moving into my apartment because it's bigger than yours." "No problem and I'm so glad you said yes! Now I'd better get back to work, I'll be home in a few hours and we can talk more, I love you. And the baby!" Jay said as he kissed her and stood up. "We love you too," Erin called after him as he walked away.

She then drove home to climb onto the couch and let her baby keep her company while she was waiting for Jay to come home. As he always came to her apartment after work to check on her and the baby.

Thanks for reading :)

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