Chapter 17.1: Under the Table

Start from the beginning

"Conductors are creatures, many of them being Baku, that facilitate safe travel for others between different locations and planes of existence in the cosmos." Ghelly nods with a blank look on his face. "Half bodyguard, half tour guide." His face lights up with understanding. "They're the natural enemies of interdimensional parasites like Mutovinatum, and they hate each other's guts. The best Conductors are chosen to guard various gateways and portals around the cosmos.

"They work closely with Godkillers. And Godkillers," I continue even while Ghelly tries to interject. Sometimes, kid, you just have to listen. "Are mortals who were imbued with the ability to never age, as well as superhuman strength, endurance, and the like. They also, most of the time, get a free pass out of the Underworld should they be killed while in service. They never age, but they're not invincible.

"Immortals created them as a way to deal with rivalries and eliminate potential, galaxy-ending wars. They work similar to demi-gods from ancient literature. Besides Immortals and extranormal entities, they're the only ones capable of killing Immortals without breaching a universal contract laid down by Father Time and Mother Earth. It's still not easy, though—it takes a while and there's a lot of paperwork. And before you ask," we pass the Eyreie Orphanarium, "most Godkillers are assholes. Don't associate with them."

Ghelly nods, slowly digesting the new information. "So...Immortals create Godkillers from regular people." He taps the pommel of his sword, thinking for a moment. "Then...can someone be born a Godkiller?"

I nod. "It's rare, but it can happen. They're more powerful than normal Godkillers, often having access to powerful magic or abilities. Most of the time, they're quickly snatched up or killed by Immortals before they become a real threat." Ghelly lets out a long sigh, stretching his shoulders as we draw closer to the Burnt Rice Tavern. The sun has started its descent, but it's not yet evening.

"And why did we go in the Dream Realm in the first place?"

I hug the bag with Zargoth's heart in it closer to my torso. "A real bitch named Marinette had a discussion with Naiomi. Apparently, we were hired to get an eternal power source which will probably be used to power some kind of drill. The power source turned out to be the dragon's heart. That's why I went, anyway." I turn to him as we reach the threshold. "But I suspect you came with me because of my irresistible personality."

"You wish," Ghelly says with snort. I frown and keep my hand on the door.

"Maybe. But, this stays between us, clear? No more questions, and don't talk about any of this with the others. Including Naiomi. Got it?" He nods. "Good." I swing the tavern door open.

"Namonai!" I smile underneath my mask. Ah, the hero's welcome. I open my arms wide to receive the praise. "Where in the seven hells have you been?" My smile drops at Naiomi's words. Of course this is the thanks I get. (they obviously don't appreciate you)

I shake the dark thought out of my head and bow to the empty bar. "Just getting what you asked for, your royal bitchiness." I come out of the bow to see a very disheveled Naiomi walking gingerly down the stairs. Her hair's a rat's nest. She tries to straighten it with her brush while she attempts to fix the straps of her dress, all without missing a single step. A large, anthropomorphic wolf in baggy pants held up by a piece of rope leaves her room and brushes past her. He gives me a large grin and slams the tavern door shut behind him.

Naiomi (that bitch) clears her throat. "Hopefully the power source is—"

"No, no. We're on this now," I say quietly.     


Inspired by: "One by One" by ONE OK ROCK

Woah, Namonai got a little serious at the end there, huh? Whisper questions are never good, and are always kind of scary, in my opinion. And what do you all think the bold words in parentheses means?  Also: I busted my ass off to get you all a longer chapter with more content and growth here. You're welcome.

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