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I would just like to point out that all the little things in life should be considered. Maybe you had an argument with someone who has more than just anger issues going on, or you didn't consider that your grandfather visits so much that he's dieing.

All these little courtesies are not just courtesies, they're the good things in life we should think about.

They're not just a nuisance.

I know that sometimes I get sick of my grandfather visiting so much that I pretend to sleep in when he visits- I regret that now because he'll be gone for 3 months overseas.

And I also overheard my mother saying his knees were becoming really bad...

But onto the point, what I'm telling you, is everything around you. Do you see it all? Take it all in.

Even if it's an annoying sibling, or your mother/father getting too comfortable talking about your future career or family, maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend they intend on seeing.

Maybe the teacher you've always hated gives you compliments everyday and you look past it because, well... You hate them!

Even if it's delving into a social world, where you can meet new people- different people from what you're used to.

Laugh at jokes that aren't so funny.

Eat food that smells better than it looks.

Smile more than you frown.

Help that old lady cross the street.

Finish your homework on time.

Read books and stories, write them too.

Find excuses to write a motivational chapter in your rant book.

And just know that you should cherish all that is now.


You have no idea what you have until it's gone.

well then... //  rants, tags and cringeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora