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Exams are finally over.

For some reason, I'd always get excited about it 3 months prior to the exam but 2 days before I'd freak out.

Then the day of the exam comes and I feel absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Even when I get a really crap result, it feels like it doesn't matter.

This has lead me to wonder if I'm normal. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not?

I probably just get so drained from an overload of emotions that I just can't handle it anymore, and so I feel sleepy and nonchalant about the whole thought of undertaking the test of the semester.

Even though exams are literally just seeing how well you can recall information, it's still stressed to the point where so many students lose sleep because of it.

And then the teachers tell us to have a good nights rest like c'mon, is that even possible nowadays?

I sleep at 8AM and still wake up 6 hours later - that's not much sleep I'm catching up on even by closing my eyes 2 hours earlier.

The stress of exams itself is something that would keep people up at night. The first day of exams last week had me awake until midnight, and that's just from how nervous I was.

Exams are over now and I only have a couple assessments to finish off- But stress and nerves will always be there.

I mean, it's because we're afraid to fail, right?


well then... //  rants, tags and cringeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang