Chapter 1

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I woke up, the fading image of soft brown eyes still in my mind and the bedsheets plastered against my skin

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I woke up, the fading image of soft brown eyes still in my mind and the bedsheets plastered against my skin. I sighed , sitting up and catching a glimpse of my tousled hair in one of my grand mirrors. I had dreamt about her. Again. I swung my legs out of bed , knowing that I wouldn't get any more sleep and that I had been lucky go get any at all last night. I missed her , but couldn't let that linger in my mind. At least there was nothing to remind me of her here. Standing up, I pulled on black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt embellished with tiny rubies and garnets before shrugging on my long black fur trimmed coat that also displayed shimmering rubys and garnets, along with some obsidian gems. Adjusting my clothes  in the mirror I brushed my hair and studied my reflection. My hair hadn't been cut in a while, and curled strands clung to  the back of my neck and forehead.My eyes looked dull and void. Empty and shallow. They had never really looked anything but empty. Dark circles sagged under my eyes , and I reached for the pale powder and attempted to cover them up. I frowned at how tired I looked.

"Kings must look powerful to be powerful" I whispered. My mother's words. Although she created the holes in my heart, she had done as she said. I had the crown. That was something.

I clapped my hands, and almost instantly two red servants appeared.Their eyes held fear,and an eagerness to appease their king. Even though I wasn't the rightful one.

'Stop it.' My voice echoed in my head,seemingly gripped in desperation. It was normal however. My mother's holes had left consequences in the wake of her removing every feeling that would get in the way of my being king. Was that worth the cost?

'Stop it' my mind persisted. I turned my attention to the servants. They looked at me nervously.

"Have my wife be escorted to breakfast, and tell her I shall be down shortly" I said, swiping all emotion from my face and making my voice steely and final. They nodded and anxiously scurried off to retrieve her. They didn't ask why the Queen was in a different room, however I did not expect them to. They were reds after all. They didn't understand how much I missed m-her. Iris seemed to understand when I requested our sleeping chambers stay separate. I wonder why she did not question it. Perhaps she had an idea of why.

I must stop thinking of her. She is gone , yet I find every minute alone I think of her and wonder What would have been. I wish I could go back. Compared to her,a life with no  crown wouldn't be that bad.

I'm thinking again. I shake my head. She hates me now, and yet I do not blame her and I wish I did. Cant she see how much I adore her?

Although I'm the king, I still feel like the old Maven. Shadow to the flame. Never again.

I open my door and walk slowly and confidently

down the stairs and make my way to the dining room. When I get there the same old table stretches out lazily, elaborately made chairs lining either side. Iris sits on the end, perched on the chair and gazing at me with stormy gray eyes in a way that is intense yet has a level of calm. Her  caramel skin smoothes her features cooly, far from a warm complexion which is oddly beautiful. Her dark hair hung loose and framed her placid face, glittering blue and white beads set in it carefully. A dark blue gown hugged her hourglass figure underneath a flowing partly see through fabric draping from her waist and arms. Her shoulders were bare, the short sleeves hanging just below them embellished with gold threading and blue stones. A fancy blue and gold choker with a single stone had threads of gold trailing from it to the heart cupped top of her dress. She was gorgeous. But however not my type - or rather not the woman I constantly thought about. Her face gave no emotion away as I sat down opposite and gave her a small smile.

"Good morning Iris" I said, my voice monotonous and bland. She shifted, never breaking eye contact and gave an empty smile back.

"Good morning Maven-"

"Just Maven is fine thank you Iris"

"As you wish" she replied. Silence ensued, awkward and uncomfortable. I drummed my fingers on the oak table, and two breathless reds appeared, signs of sweat on their forehead as they bowed respectively in unison.

"Your royal majesty and royal highness?" They asked , cocking their heads to the side with straightened backs and eager ears.

"My royal breakfast as usual " I answered sharply, forcing my voice to be authoritive. Iris averted her eyes and part of the tension in my shoulders released in relief.

"I shall have what I always have" She said as I tipped my head  backwards and studied the ornate ceiling. A 5 tiered border covered in intricate swirls and leaves started 14 feet above us, before giving way to a mass of floral patterns Intertwined with leaves and more gracious swirls and small dots. A masterpiece and a distraction from the situation. Time stands still when looking at something beautiful.

But it can't stop time forever.

"Your breakfast your Majesty" a red servant said, displaying a lavish plate filled with perfect food. Pancakes stacked up, some bacon, eggs, bread, steak, beans, toast and more, complete with a drink of vintage wine. I knew the food would undoubtedly be delicious however all of a sudden I lost my appetite and was content to push my food around the plate with the odd nibble . I finished the wine quickly, and waited for iris to finish before escorting her to her room. Once we were there she opened her bedroom door before turning to me, her eyes piercing and unnerving. Her face looked serious as she said

"Maven. May I ask you a question if you please?"

"Yes Iris , please continue."

"What are you going to do?" She asked. I studied her face but like always it was blank and emotionless. She was taught well, like me, to hide any feelings or anything of the sort. Clever.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know very well what im talking about"

"No," I shook my head,"tell me."

"The houses. Some have turned against us - you know this too well." She does her best not to wince and I must say I'm impressed.  Her father's last breath wheezed on the bleak battlefield of betrayal. However, I myself cannot prevent a wince in remembrance of when I almost dieing. I gripped lifes edge and clung to every second at that moment and the feeling will haunt me forever. She watches - noticing - her eyes curious and observative. I quickly bury the memory and proceed.

"Yes I am aware of the situation. I am currently sorting it out and without a doubt we shall be victorious before long" I said. A lie. As much as I hate to admit it, the victory belongs to them. I can only hope we are not ripped apart in this furious battle. She nods her head , aknowledging my answer before saying her goodbyes and softly shutting the bedroom door. I returned to my own room and slumped against the door of my closet, sighing and drumming my fingers on the cold dark wood. I can only hope.


Hey guys sorry if this is short but did you like it? I know its not really exciting at the moment but I'm attempting to stretch out the story so I don't just make it short and ineffective. I have no patience xD

Let me know what you think in the comments and thanks for reading , will update soon!

Byeeeeez! ^-^ |_ [•-•]√

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