Becoming friends

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I felt really bad for walking into her but she didn't seem to mind it. What really surprised me was that she then said " Olivia. That's a really pretty name. You can call me Tatiana." I just looked at her. Shock plastered on my face. No was ever this kind to me. Ever. I was always the one no one talked to. I only had one friend. And even then she hardly ever talked to me. I then remembered that Tatiana was in front of me. I recomposed myself and said " I've never heard of someone being called Tatiana. It's sounds really pretty." Tatiana continued to smile at me as she said " should we go downstairs and join everyone else? " I looked down at my feet at I said " I don't really feel like it." I didn't want to go as I had a fear of one of the members of staff.

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