Meeting a new person

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On the 27th of July the care home had a day where foster cares could come and have tea and meet some of the children. If the carers wanted to they can look after the child for a weekend. If it all went well within a month the child would living with the carer.
I turned thirteen about a month ago and I knew like all the other times we had the open day at the care home I would never be picked. Do like all the other time this time came round I went to my room and waited for it to be over.  One of my friend came in , as we shared rooms. But she was followed by a couple in their late 30's. Straight away I felt like I was worth nothing. That I didn't belong there in the room. I got up and left the room to only bump into a lady. She looked like she was in her late 20's when I looked up at her face. I said sorry and she didn't mind. She asked me what my name was and I said "my name is Olivia, miss. I'm ever so sorry to walk into you"

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