The Weekend

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Dylan's P.O.V~

The next day rolled by and as I promised (Y/n) I was going to show her around LA.

I texted her to see if she was ready.

Me: Hey r u ready?

(Y/n): almost I'll let u know when I'm done

Me: OK. Tell me when u r so I can wait for you @ your house

(Y/n): OK

I placed my phone down and went to put on my shoes.

6 minutes later~

I got a message by (Y/n) saying she was ready. I responded that I'd be there in like 1 minute.

I quickly placed my phone on my hoodie pocket and rushed out the door not letting my parents know where I'm going.

I knocked on her door and I could hear her footsteps getting closer and then the door. When she opened it like always, she was looking beautiful as ever.

She stepped out and hugged me like she always does.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded and poked her head back inside, "Bye mom! I'm heading out with Dylan today!" She called out and closed the door.

"So where do we start first?" She said walking happily next to me. I thought for a moment.

When we made it out of the street, I finally thought of my favorite places.

"How about we go to the places I like to go?" I asked hoping she's be excited to. She smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine with whatever you want"

I sighed in relief and we made our way to the park.

"This is one of my favorite places I like to go to" I said stopping to get a good view.

"It's really nice" she smiled looking at me. Her (Color of eyes) eyes started to get me to fall more for her....

I smiled and we walked through the park passing by many kids running and laughing.

We started walking until we bumped into Jordon. Shit. Why now.

"Oh hey Funny! Who's this?" Jordon called out keeping eyes on her. She smiled though, "I'm (Y/n) I just moved here" she reached out her hand.

Jordon of course took it.

"Ah, (Y/n) that's a pretty name. I'm Jordon" he then glanced at me, "How come you didn't tell us about your friend?"

I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"I was going to when school started." I muttered. Am I getting jealous? Yes I was...

I sighed and motioned (Y/n) to go which she followed along.

"I'll see ya guys on Monday!" Jordon called out. We waved and continued walking. "Is he your friend?" She asked.

I groaned, "Yeah, he's a faggot though so don't listen to all the bullshit he says." She playfully shoved my arm since I cussed.

I just chuckled.

"It's the truth though" I explained.

"Who exactly are your friends?" She questioned.

"Mostly of them are idiots but there names are Aron, Matt, George, Jordon, and Jorel" I told her everything she should know about them so that on Monday she could get to know them better.

"I hope I can get along with them" she said sounding nervous. I smiled, "You are"

We continued going to mostly every place I liked going.

I showed her the movie theater and I offered her if she wanted to go see a movie which she agreed to and watched (Favorite Movie).

We also went to the skateboarding park and we sat there watching people skate or ride bikes while we started talking about our past.

She seemed to have fun which I'm glad she did.

"Oh! Look icecream shop!" She pointed to the icecream shop. I laughed, "You want one?"

"I'll pay for it though, I feel like you already wasted enough money" she said pulling out her wallet from her bag.

"No it's fine really" I tried stopping her.

She gave me a not so sure face, "It's fine" I said again.

"Are you sure?" She sighed when I nodded.

I took her hand and we made our way inside. (666 words :D) "Hello welcome, what can I get for you young couple?" The Lady greeted us.

I blushed and (Y/n) covered her face.

"Uh, we're not dating.." She laughed nervously.

"Oh I'm l sorry young one" The Lady apologized.

"It's okay" I responded. We ordered our icecream cones and finally made our way back home.

8:30 pm~~~

"Thanks Dylan I had fun today" Her (Color of eyes) stared and mine. I tried not to blush or do anything stupid.

"I had fun too" I smiled at her.

We reached her house and I walked her to her porch, "Well see ya next time" she hugged me.

"Yeah, night" I responded.

"Night" she said before going inside.

When she got inside I made my way home and I couldn't help but continue on having an idiotic smile.

I reached my porch and opened the door.

"DYLAN ALVAREZ! WHERE WERE YOU?" my mom's voice shreeked from the kitchen.

Ah shit...

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