Chapter Six

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So, I can't edit so don't criticise me for my poorly done edits :) btw this isn't what she's wearing!

15hours later.

And here we are.  After a couple of hours of sleep. After talking all night with Caroline. Feeling lots of regret. Feeling purely unsatisfied with my 'amazing plan'. Regret, regret, regret. Don't you think I've felt enough of that throughout my life? Apparently not. Apparently god or whatever wants to punish me even more. Thanks you little dickhead.

"With Kol?!" Damon shouts, stamping his foot on the wooden floor, hen he stops pacing and shouting and screaming whilst I sit there belittled. "Your not going."

"I know, I'm going to stand him up-" I start with my ingenious plan to embarrass Kol which would end up with my head on a stick.

However, Elena walks in, Stefan by her side with a letter embroiled with red melted wax stamped with the cress of the Mikealsons. She walks closer, giving me a faint smile as she approaches to give Damon the letter.

I peer of Damons shoulder, reading the letters that blur into a sentence of large words and old fashioned text.

Please Join The
Mikealson Family
This Evening at Seven O'Clock
For Dancing, cocktails and celebration.

I cringe meaningfully as I lean back against the counter, there actually is a ball. I was half hoping it was a joke on my behalf. Elena notices my screwed up face for sure and then tells me that's not all and fragilely turns over the price of cars.

          I think it's time we actually met

And at this moment I mentally punch my self in the face with a chair that's burning with acid and gas mixed with poison ivy.

"And your not going either" Damon declares, smacking his hand ont he table.

"W-what?! Damon I have to go"  Elena confirms, holding the invitation in her palm like it's treasure from a long lost pirate boat. "She wants to talk to me I could find out what she's up to!"

Damon shakes his head still and Elena storms up stairs whilst Stefan stares in no interest at all.

"Well done dickhead" I push Damon so his head hits the cupboard, leaving a dint in it. I chuckle as I go after Elena, more curios that bothered.

I trample past Stefan in which he's sure not to get his head smacked into the metal side wall beside him. I hear Damon and Stefan deciding wether to go or not, but I ignore that seen as they will.

I run up the stairs, my feet hitting the carpet loosely put down through the middle, a dark red. No doubt it's covered in blood staining it.

I see Elena just leant against a door, just probably contemplating her life. Like Elena why did you play with two vampires? I apparat next to her, sitting dangerously on the banister engraved with rich swirls of flower vines.

"Your going right?" I question, my hands folded over my dark jeans as they stick to my skin.

Elena furrows her eyebrows and pushes herself rather loudly off the frame and snaps her face towards me. "Your not against me going?"

I sniffle and flick my hair, it landing on the arch of my back. "Elena, I do care for your safety, that's why I'm going to come aswell-"

Elena waves her hands infront of my face, quivering her head as I bat my eyelashes she snaking me blink heavily. "No, Caroline told me you somehow agreed with going with Kol and your standing him up-"

I chuckle, sliding off the banister and going into Damons room, turning on the tap so it's blocks out then nosey parkers. "Elena, I can handle Kol, but I'm just as curious as you." I start.

Elena nods, only now am I seeing how gorgeous she actually is. "Esther's up too something, and you have to tell me everything ok? Promise?"

Elena smiles and nods, and does something unexpectedly and hugs me. "Thankyou for not making my own decisions!"

We part away and I crease my brows, remembering something Caroline talking about Rebekah hating Elena guts. "Why does Rebekah hate you?"

Elena sighs and sits on the bathroom floor, the water still running despite us not talking about anything of any importance or secrecy anymore. "I stabbed her in the back"

I clutch my stomach as I start breathing and howling in laughter, I wouldn't be surprised is Damon and Stefan could actually hear me. "Oh my god, you actually stabbed her in the back!!" I pause, looking ashamed she inclines a yes. "How ironic"


Flicking, flicking, flicking.

That's all I'm doing, literally the rattling of the clothes clamping against one another is starting to annoy me. I'm looking through all my ball gowns. Not being able to decide which one. Finally, I decide on a old dress I never got round to wearing. And it's rather beautiful and will outstandingly match my eyes.

 And it's rather beautiful and will outstandingly match my eyes

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I nod, the party in only an hour. Slipping the corset over my curves and tightening it so my waist looks extra small and extra glamorous.

Then, I pick up the dress, the sound of the material ruffling against eachother crumpling. I slip that on aswell, the scratchiness of the bottom half on my waist before it sat perfectly on my figure.

I sit on my dressing table, filling in my brows with gel and mascara and foundation. I sit prepared to decide what to do with my hair. Then I just curl it. (Like Katherine's hair I suppose.)


Time to go.

I walk out the room, my black heels chipping across the floor, not bothered to be quiet.

"And where do you think your going" Damon stands, about to leave aswell, strapped up in a suit and tie, matching with Stefan. Who aswell is jumping down the stairs.

"To the pub"  I snap, sarcasm filling the atmosphere.

"What? Dressed as a princess?" Stefan chuckles, I nod and walk out the door,  before peeking my head back in the room, seeing Damon all tense seen as he can't stop me.

"And I'm not the princess I'm the mother fucking queen"

Gif is Alexis saying the last line^

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