Chapter 3: Didn't See That Coming

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"Well come on" Mara said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Mick is leaving and we are going to say goodbye" Mara said.

"OK let's go" I said. I got up and I followed them back to the house. When we got there everyone was there. Mick had all his stuff. Everyone was talking when there was a car horn honking.

"Well everybody this is it, bye" Mick said.

We all said goodbye to him and he then left.

"Wow I can't believe he is gone" Mara said.

"Mara are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said.

"Guys even though I think that this moment is touching I need to change because I don't like being in my uniform for too long" Amber said.

"Yeah and I want to eat" Alfie said.

"Alfie we will eat but I have to go and change" Amber and I said in unison.

"Am I the only one to think it is creepy that they know what they both are going to say. Then they say it at the same time" Jerome said.

"Yeah it is creepy" Alfie said. Me and Amber ignored them then went upstairs. I took off my uniform the put on some light blue skinny jeans, a white of the shoulder sweater, a light blue scarf, and some blue and white wedges. I went in the mirror and put my hair in a high ponytail. Then I fixed my make up and added some earrings. Once I was done I put my phone in my back pocket and waited for Amber. Amber came back in and looked shocked that I finished before her.

"How is it that I spent more time getting ready than you yet you look better than me?" Amber asked.

"Maybe it's the fact that I had natural beauty but I never showed it" I said.

"Yeah maybe you're right" Amber said.

"Come let's go before Alfie dies of starvation" I said.

"Yeah he is such a drama queen sometimes" she said. We laughed at what she said and walked down to the dining room. When we got there it looked like everyone was waiting for us.

"Took you guys long enough" Alfie said.

"Hey don't look at me. Blame Amber she is the one that took forever to get ready. I was done way before her so next time blame her instead of both of us" I said.

"But you look perfect" Joy said.

"Yeah but you don't have to spend a lot of time looking like this" I said.

"You know I would love to continue this conversation but I actually want to eat" Alfie said.

"Fine" Amber said. Amber and I sat down in our spots and started started to eat.

"So when do you think the new kid is going to come in?" Alfie asked. Everyone looked at him. "What you know that every time someone leaves someone new comes in to take their place."

"He's right you know" Amber said.

"Yep and I have a feeling that he is going to come in two days" Alfie said.

"Yeah well we'll see about that" Patricia said.

"Well guys he might be right" Jerome said sticking up for his best friend.

"Aw look how touching this is Jerome sticking up for Alfie" Joy said.

"Shut it" Jerome said.

"Oh don't worry Jerome I know Nina will make it better" Patricia said.

"Really?" he asked.

"No I won't" I said the same time Fabian said, "No she won't"

"Why?" Patricia asked.

"Because I am her boyfriend and if anyone is going to get anything from her it is going to be me" Fabian said.

"Yeah but what if Nina wants to leave you for something better?" Jerome asked.

"Then I will leave him for something better, but I don't see anything better" I said. 

Everyone started laughing except for Jerome and Fabian. After we finished eating everyone went to their rooms and got ready for bed. Once I finished getting dressed, I got in my bed and went to sleep. I was in a dream and Fabian had just broken up with me. Well tomorrow I will be ready for when he breaks up with me and then I will find someone better for me. After sitting up and telling myself that it is going to be OK I went back to sleep. Alright I can do this and I will not let Fabian see me cry.

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