Chapter Eight - Danny's Anguish

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I sat in the blood pool, soaking in my newborn power of recently  becoming a vampire.  Blake and Broderick bade me to soak in this soothing blood bath, as it allowed my body to soak in enough fluid to chemically balance my body, especially since both of their nocturnal powers raged through my physical being. 

The thirst was intense.  Never have I craved such an intensity.  My senses were thriving for the drink, the slightest drop of blood causing my taste buds to quiver maddeningly.  This bath I lay naked in helped quench the intensity alarmingly, and I was grateful.  I had come close to losing control of my composure earlier in the morning after the attack on Blake's mansion when the girls, still naked and terrorified out of their minds, shakily entered back out into the main vestibule from the room that Broderick had placed them in to protect them from the three maniacal nosferatu who desired nothing more than to turn the beautiful stellas into a bloody three-course meal, that as I gazed upon them, not only were my eyes feasting on their shapely forms but my mouth quivered maddeningly as my sense of smell overpowered me, taking in the sweet, hot aroma of their blood that I nearly threw both of my masters off of me so I could grab the female closest to me and plunge not only my fangs but also my dick into her, satisfying both animalistic cravings.  She was protected from me as both Blake and Broderick dragged out into the enclosed patio area and tossed me into this elaborate pool and I immediately grew calm, languishing in the rippling ichor that enveloped my body.  I immersed myself fully beneath the surface and came back up, sighing increduously as my head rose above the red liquid.  I licked my lips deliciously. 

I was intoxicated.



I opened my eyes after a slight dose of sleep.  I had become so relaxed in my bath that I indeed dozed off.  I looked a little over to my left and saw Broderick approach the pool.  He was dressed entirely in black, including a doorag fitted over his head.  He walked to the head of the pool where I was and crouched down alongside me.  I turned my body to look up at him.

"Hey, Broderick.  What's up?"

"I came to check on you.  How are you feeling?"

"Grand, man.  I feel more alive, more aware."  I chuckled.

Broderick smiled.  "Good."

"Care to join me?"  I lay back in the water, sensuously stretching my body.

"It's tempting but I must decline."

"Aww, man.  Why?"

"Well, I have some news to tell you."

I swam back to where he was.  "What?"

"Blake and I have to leave town for a few days and we need you to look after the place."

"What about the girls?"

"We arranged safe places for them."

"Am I to know where they are?"

"Not at all, handsome.  You have to learn to control your thirst before we can leave you alone with them."

"You don't trust me."

Broderick's gaze dropped.  "Blake and I do trust you, otherwise you wouldn't be living with us.  Your body is still adapting to the changes and the thirst you've acquired is still too strong yet."

"But where are you going?"

"We have some business to attend to, Danny.  We need you to stay here."

"Why though?"  I stopped then I realized:  "You're going to confront that vampire, aren't you?"

Broderick said nothing but his eyes said it all.

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