One Shot Winner #1: Bloodied by @Exc_ed

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We almost finished picking up the ornaments and as I was reaching for the last ornament, my fingers accidentally brushed the top of his hand, causing me to gasp and jerk back at the deathly cold of it. I was again, about to question it but the words barely left my mouth as my eyes finally met his piercing ones, causing me to clamp my mouth shut.

His eyes, a topaz color, were looking at me. I didn't know if it's just my mind playing tricks on me but his cold eyes somehow seemed old, tired and... Sad. He closed his eyes and seemed to be restraining himself from doing something. Suddenly, he stood up, and not waiting for me to do the same, turned and briskly walked at the opposite direction I was actually heading.

Something on the floor caught my attention and I noticed a wallet where he had squatted down earlier. I quickly picked it up and turned around, just in time to see him turn at the bend a block away.

Running to catch up to him, my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID, seeing 'Hunty-bear' written on it and immediately swiped the screen, answering the phone with my breath coming out in puffs of cold air.

"Hey, I'll be back in a few. Someone dropped his wallet and I'm just going to give it back to him," I spoke through the phone and without waiting for a reply, ended the call with an "I love you."

I was turning round the bend and everything after that happened so fast that when I came to, I was bloodied and I could feel my life draining from me, my blood being sucked away from my body. I remembered that I tried to put up a fight, pain shooting up from my neck as two small blunt knives dove as deeply as they could in it, trying to draw as many red stuff out and the feeling of something warm trailing down my neck, soaking up my clothes.

I was in a comatose state when he finally raised his head, his piercing topaz eyes now darker. Blood, my blood was splattered on his mouth and he licked it, a guttural sound leaving his red blood lips.

"Why did you follow me?" He had asked, with a smooth baritone voice edged with something akin to regret, "You left me no choice."

He leaned in again and this time, licked the still oozing blood from my pale neck. I was slipping into the darkness, slipping into death.

Thoughts and memories ran through my mind, with the last one, before I blacked out, being of Hunter saying how much he loves me.


Hunter's POV

I engulf her limp cold body into mine, my sobs wrecking through my body as I call out her name again and again.

She's gone, the words came to my mind in an anguish and painful whimper. And it's all my fault. If I had gone with her to the store instead of trying to prepare her a surprise, that stupid surprise, she will still be alive, alive and happy, celebrating another Christmas day together.

But then, a voice rings out through my violent sobs and I freeze.

"H," it says.

Thinking that my ears are trying to mess up with me, I don't lift up my head from its position on Hazel's chest, too scared to have my hopes of her being alive crushed back to the ground.

But a cold hand, a very cold hand, lack of any warmth, cup my left cheek, causing me to snap my head up so fast that I think I might have really snapped it. Two brown orbs greet me, but instead of a smile gracing her lips, they are pulled in a frown, causing me to frown too.

"What is it, Haze?" I ask, concern lacing my voice, the fact that she was already dead when I found her earlier and the blood-soaked clothes she's wearing now forgotten.

"Wasn't I dead?" She asks, in a puzzled and exasperated tone.

Not wanting to answer or even think of one, I kiss her. And she immediately responds to it, the still air around us filling with our quickening breaths. But something goes wrong.

At one point, Hazel tugs on my lower lip between her teeth, causing me to groan deep in my throat before she bites it harder, drawing blood. And suddenly, I'm on the snowy ground, pinned under her slender figure. She sucks on my lower lip, where my blood comes out with the pressure of it, her pupils dilating with pleasure.

Somehow, not satisfied with what she found, she moves her head to my neck and nuzzles her nose to my skin. I feel something grazes me there, something sharp and in reflex, I accidentally push her off me.

And that's when I see her, but what I see is not the old Hazel. The Hazel in front of me, with her elongated teeth, fangs, seems uncanny, almost feline.
Seeing my horrified expression, Hazel whimpers and steps back. And I can see regret and horror cross her face, as if she suddenly realized whatever it is that's happening to her. My expression softens and somehow, I know that I have to be there for her, and I need to know what happened.
I step towards her but she instantly steps back, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Stop," she says tersely, "don't come near me."


"I don't want to hurt you," she whispers, loud enough for me to hear. I can see that her eyes have become glassy and something inside me tear apart at her sad expression.

"You won't hurt me, Haze," I say, taking a few steps towards her. I notice that her eyes keep straying from my eyes to my neck, watching my pulse and she gulps. Even without watching the Twilight series or any vampire movies for that matter, I know that Hazel's become a vampire, as alien as the word is on my tongue.
And she's hungry.

I stop walking and, lifting my hands, pull at my collars, exposing my neck fully to her eyes.

"Come, Hazy-bear," I grin at her and she immediately sprints into my arms, wrap her hands through my shoulders and sinks her sharp teeth into my neck.

The End

All credit and rights go to exc_ed this is her work, not mine! 💕 thank you!

Dear Hazel (Diary Series #2) | ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat