Imagine #4

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fanfic for tragiclybeautiful . i hope this is good, and thank you for the request, it helped me a lot:)-☠️

You were overjoyed at Nikki's decision to take you on tour with him! Finally, you wouldn't have to suffer through months of him being gone and now had the opportunity to experience the joys of touring with him. You were currently running through a checklist in your mind to make sure you had everything you needed, varying from necessities everyone needs to survive, to the cute little decorations you picked up for your bunk. Nikki told you that it was a sort of "tradition" to decorate your bunk, so you could make it feel like home. Once you were done and had everything ready to go, you got dressed in a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a plain black hoodie, and your black low top converse. You didn't feel like wearing a bunch of makeup that day, so you threw on some mascara and your outfit for the day was completed. You started to wonder where Nikki was, so you exited the bathroom and walked downstairs. You searched and eventually found Nikki sitting on the couch, watching T.V. He looked up at you and smiled. "You finished packing?," he questioned as you sat down beside him. "Yep. When's the bus going to be here?," you responded. "In about fifteen to twenty minutes, so I should get my lazy ass up and get my stuff ready," he exclaimed. You laughed quietly and followed him back upstairs to help him get the rest of his stuff packed. Soon after, the bus came and the rest of the band helped you and Nikki get your things on. You guys were the last people on the list to get picked up, so once everything was ready to go, you were off to your first destination! 
(fast forward three weeks)
Tour was amazing so far! You got to see NYD preform almost every night and you were practically best friends with the rest of the band now! However, there was just one problem you had, and that was with Nikki and Ash. You knew that they had dated for a fairly long time, however they decided to break up and just be friends. You didn't have any issues with Ash whatsoever, in fact, you were both really good friends now, but you just couldn't help to think that Ash was a way better fit for Nikki. Nikki had assured you many times before that him and Ash were just friends, and that you are the only girl he has eyes for. Nikki's reassurance gave your mind a break from all the thoughts and voices that told you he still likes Ash, but not for long. You couldn't really blame Nikki at the time for preferring Ash over you. You believed that Ash was way prettier than you, way more talented than you, and overall just better than you at everything. You felt absolutely worthless compared to Ash. You were disrupted from your thoughts when you heard laughter coming from the living area of the fairly large bus. You peered around the corner curiously to see Nikki and Ash laughing with each other about something that happened in the movie they were watching. You sighed quietly and decided to just lay in you bunk to pass time. You would be at the venue they were playing at tonight in an hour or so anyways. You hated to admit it, but you were jealous. You didn't want to sound dramatic or selfish, you just wanted Nikki to pay more attention to you, rather than Ash. You knew he probably didn't mean to pay so much attention to Ash, however you still thought he liked her better.
• • •
(Nikki's POV)
Over the next week or so, Nikki began to catch onto the small insecurities. He noticed that you weren't acting like yourself at all and to say that he was worried was an understatement. He was beyond worried. He was aware of how insecure you were and it broke his heart that you couldn't see how beautiful you actually were. You are a goddess to him. He was standing outside the venue when he tried to figure out anything he possibly did to make you so insecure about yourself. Then, it finally hit him. You thought that he still liked Ash! "Dammit," he groaned. "How could I be so stupid?!" he thought to himself. He had no feelings at all for Ash anymore and they were just friends now, only friends and nothing else. Y/N is the love of his life now and he would do anything for her. He finally put his cigarette out, stomped on it, and went to go find Y/N.
• • •
(Y/N's POV)
Your belief that Nikki preferred Ash over you grew stronger and you started to develop some insecure/nervous habits that you hoped nobody could pick up, but unfortunately the whole band did start to notice. It was little things, like biting your nails occasionally and not talking as much as you used to. You were alone on the bus since everyone else was out. They asked you if you wanted to join them of course, but you declined tonight since you weren't really feeling up to it. You jumped slightly at the sound of a familiar voice saying your name. You looked up to see Nikki standing in front of you with a concerned look on his face. "Oh, hey Nikki," you said, your smile faltering a bit. He sat down next to you and wrapped your small form in his strong arms. "Y/N, I know you're worried that I still like Ash, but I don't. I don't care how many times I have to say it, even if I have to bring Ash in here to say it with me. I love you and only you. Yes, Ash and I did date in the past, but we broke it off for a reason. We're only friends and nothing more," Nikki explained. You instantly felt better when you heard it coming from Nikki himself. "I'm sorry I even thought that, now it's my fault you're worried-," you were cut off by Nikki. "No, none of this is your fault whatsoever, Y/N. I'm sorry I've been paying more attention to Ash, I didn't even realize. From now on, my attention is on you and nobody else," he stated, making you blush and smile. "Aren't you mad, though?," you questioned him, raising a brow. "No, I could never be mad at you," he said and smiled, a genuine smile that he saved only for you. You spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch and watching scary movies that were so dumb, you laughed at them. You didn't feel insecure now that you knew that Nikki only had eyes for you, not Ash, and definitely not anyone else.


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