Imagine #2

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You were currently laying in bed, clutching the comforter to your sobbing form. You suffered from depression, so you had good days and bad days. Unfortunately for you, today was one of the more awful days. Terrible thoughts flooded through you head, along with tiny voices telling you that you don't deserve to live, and that Nikki didn't love you anymore. You knew that he would be home from the studio any minute now, but you just didn't have the strength to pull yourself together. You didn't want Nikki to see you like this, so vulnerable and torn. However, you had no choice now when you heard the front door open and close shut. "Babe, I'm home!", you heard Nikki exclaim from your spot on the king sized bed you and him shared. You swallowed loudly as you heard his footsteps inch closer and closer to the bedroom door. You saw Nikki walk in and look around before his eyes came in contact with your teary Y/E/C ones. He immediately rushed over to you and crouched down to your level. "Baby, what's wrong? What happened?", Nikki said, worry evident in his tone. His hand caressed your cheek lovingly and he wiped away the remaining tears off with his thumb. You sat up and scooted over, so he could lay next to you. He pulled you close to him and you hid your face in his neck. "Now, tell me what's wrong, Y/N," said Nikki. So, you did tell him what was wrong. You told him about the good days and the horrible days, like today. It felt so good to get everything off your chest, it felt like a weight was being lifted off your shoulders. Once you finished talking, you looked up to see a regretful and sad look on Nikki's face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I'm such a dumbass I didn't even realize," he went on, until you cut him off. "Nikki, none of this is your fault. My depression is in no way your fault, so please don't think that it is," you spoke while looking up into the pair of sparkling eyes that you loved. He smiled down at you and kissed you, pouring all of his love for you into it. He might seem intimidating, but you knew that under all the layers of makeup and his edgy style, he was a big softy at heart. "I love you so fucking much," Nikki exclaimed, causing a smile to spread across your face. "I love you too, Nikki," you responded and kissed his cheek. He pouted suddenly and said, "You missed," while pointing to his lips. You giggled quietly and kissed his full lips passionately. He smiled into the kiss, pulling away and bringing you closer to him. He kissed your forehead and you blushed lightly. "You're so cute," he said, making your cheeks turn a dark rosy color. You buried your face in his chest, which caused a laugh to emit from him. As long as he was here, there was no depression eating at you constantly. He made all of it go away, the voices telling you that you will never be good enough, and the hallow feeling that absorbed your body. It was also clear that he wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.

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