New ship new plunder

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In middle of the ocean on an ironclad frigate class ship you can hear men work on the ship as the first mate yells to make sure everything is in order and announces "captain on deck!" As a man walks out in a deep red coat with a buttoned up shirt half way buttoned showing off his scars with a burn right across his chest. He had a scar down his left eye and stubble for a beard. The captain walks up to the wheel of the ship and asks his first mate "How does the tide fair and is the wind in our favor Zach?" He replies "Captain Aaron the tide is well and the wind is north-westward as we travel northward." "Good" replies the captain. He soon shouts to the crows nest "Where's the next ship boy!!" "Sir there are no ships to be seen yet!" "Look for a merchant ship clipper class got that boy!" The look out nods and continues to look for the ship. The first mate tells the crew to be ready for the ship to be seen and be ready to board the ship. He tells the captain "Captain will we be able to keep up with the clipper class ship?" "No we won't... But the ships Hull is weaker than most so we will have to shoot the cannons at it to slow it down." Zach just nods just as when the look out spots a merchant ship he yells "Ship ahead starboard side! Captain it isn't a clipper it's a brigatine!" "Follow the ship release the sails raise the anchor!" The men do as told and the ship is at full speed within minutes trailing behind the brigatine ship catching up with each passing minute. Captain yells "Cannons be ready to fire tie the ropes prepare the planks be ready to board their ship!" The crew scrambles to get prepared as our ship gets closer to the merchant's ship. Finally the two ship meet at Hull to Hull. The captain yells "fire starboard cannons!" Hitting the merchant ship slowing it down then the first mate gives the order to board the ship! As the men hop aboard the other ship and placing the planks across the merchant begin to fight the pirates as this begins the captain gives Zach the controls of the ship and joins his crew. He boards the ship wasting no time killing the ships guards and finding the captain of the merchants. Captain Aaron shoots the guard closest to the merchant and stabs the other gaurd grabbing the captain and holds him and yells at the rest of the ship to stop the squabble or the captain dies. He takes the merchant to his shit and locks him in a cell on the ship and has all the ships crew gather on the deck and decides their fates. As his crew gather the supplies and merchandise he looks down the men and women of the the now broken and beaten brigatine. After the supplies were all taken the captain let's his men take and choose the women.... Of course only after the captain himself. The captain see a dirty blonde woman with a blue dress feistier than the others he chooses her and tells the men to have their choice after they burn the sail of the other ship and leave the men on that ship with only a week's worth of rum as he takes his plunder to the captains quarters. Once in there he strips and collars her and begins telling her the rules "You are my toy now you will listen to every word I say you will do everything by my side and with my permission to do so do I make myself clear?" She spits at him "I will never be yours you over pompous fool! Fuck you and your stupid as-" as he grabs her mouth "If you say another word I'll throw you to my crew and they will treat you worse than I ever will slut!" She nods and he let's go "and I am not a slut I am lady Renee" "you are whatever I say you are and I say you're my slut now Renee." Renee quivers and says "Who died and made you king?" Aaron throws everything off his desk and pins her to it "This is my vessel and you will listen!" And smacks her ass while saying it. She bites her lips when he does and fights back. The captain smacks her again and rubs her as she moans more and more but doesn't give in for him. The captain "You're going to be harder to break than the others" as he ties her hand to the desk and goes to another room grabbing some more toys and punishment tools to break her. Soon she will know her place as the Captain's slut as he holds a collar saying Captain's Toy.

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