Chapter 8

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Hey guys! NO today will not be one of our usual chapter, but every once in a while I get these: and it's thanks to Miss kiwismol.

Okay this tag requires me to list 13 facts about myself, so here goes nothing:

1. I love to read )obviously)

2. I love to write Fantasy novels/short stories

3. Chocolate is my bestfriend during my period.

4. I adore cute animals; especially puppies.

5. I'm all about Drama which is why I love acting.

6. I love to sing.

7. I'm sometimes anti-social

8. I love, love, love my Birth month; August borns to the world!!!

9. I love learning new things about my culture, religion and other peoples culture.

10. I know most people hate this subject, but I love History.

11. I'm currently studying the subject English Literature.

12. I have terrible mood swings so if I'm not in the mood, it's best NOT to interfere with me.

13. I'm a very confusing, unique, talented and beautiful individual with low confidence- which I need to work on.

Please forgive me if I tag you and you don't know me:






Have a good night guys!!!

Till next chapter,


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