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A/n: Hey guys! I'm back, so i'm now on Easter Vacation and i'll try to update every two days if i can. I hope you enjoy the song above by One Republic, I like it a lot.


Quotes for the day:

My View: I agree with this so much! It's up to us how we live our life, and how we deal with the consequences of our actions affect us

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My View: I agree with this so much! It's up to us how we live our life, and how we deal with the consequences of our actions affect us. It all reflects on who or what we let into our lives and how we treat them or it. Every action has a re-action. We must make the best of life, but be cautious as to how we go about doing it. It's better to take it the hard way and enjoy the easy part later on, than to take the shortcut only to suffer later. But then again, it all sums up to what's best for US and not for others.

*P.S: Any One Republican Fans? No... okay =(


My View: This also has reference to my view point in the quote above, so no further words needed

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My View: This also has reference to my view point in the quote above, so no further words needed. We must always be cautious of the people we let in our lives. We never know what they are up to (some of them). There are some we can trust with our lives, because they love us and would do anything for us. But  then there are the opposites. Those who only want to see us suffer, and sometimes because we are so blinded we allow that to happen. And then our lives crumble before our eyes and us along with it.


Poem 1:

~~ Author Unknown ~~

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~~ Author Unknown ~~

Poem 2:

~~ Author Michael T

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~~ Author Michael T. Coe ~~

Poem 3:

~~ Author Unknown ~~

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~~ Author Unknown ~~


E/N: Well, that's it for today guys. I hope you enjoyed the quotes and poems. Please don;t forget to vote and/comment. BYe guys. Till the next chapter...


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