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A/N: Hey guys!! So this time...i'm going to switch it up a bit. This time i want to you contemplate on this song whiles you read this quote and some poems. Well technically it's the same things, just different. Hehe...enjoy!


Quote for the day: 

My view: Well I don't really have one at the moment for this one, but I know it kind of fits well with the song above

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My view: Well I don't really have one at the moment for this one, but I know it kind of fits well with the song above. I thought that today would be a good day to focus on fight poems, since life is mostly about fighting for what you want(mostly haha). Also the song happened to be the first on positive life songs list, so i thought why not.But i know for a fact, that this song, speaks for a lot of people. Music speaks in ways which you can't and so does poetry. In my view, poetry is a written work of a poets feelings, emotions and experiences. And for me music is a language in which everyone can relate to, the feelings of the artist are placed in the intrumentals and give it more life...more meaning. Not that instrumentals aren't awesome, haha. I think you get what i'm trying to say.


Poem 1:

Plain and simple as it can ever be

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Plain and simple as it can ever be. The best you can do is at least try your best. Nothing and I mean nothing beats a try. The least you can do is at least try and if it doesn't work out, at least you knew you attempted to fight head on.

Poem 2:

Enough words said

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Enough words said...I don't have to elaborate. Show life that you are strong and that you're never going to give up. EVER.


Ending note: Well, that's it for today guys, I hope that you enjoyed it. Please don't forget to comment and vote! =) Thanks much guys! Till next time, Bye...


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