Chapter 33: Boston

Start from the beginning

When they found the place with an hour and a half – or so – to spare, they saw Tsunade napping in her car with the window down so the breeze could hit her.

"Obaa. We're here." Naruto cooed, shaking his grandmother to get her up. She jumped up and looked around with drool on her chin.

They walked into the building with her filling out the personal information for the blond relative before the wait game began. When they were called, Naruto had to be weight, his height measured and lead into a room where the short haired woman was waiting for them.

"Naruto, you've grown a lot." Shizune chimed as Tsunade closed the door behind her. Smiling, she went down the business. "So I hear that you're pregnant. I would like you to lie on the table here and I'll get an ultrasound on the child so I know where to get some DNA from it."

Doing what was told of him, Naruto undid his pants, pushing them down a little with a blush since his grandmother was in the room with them. Feeling the cold gel touch his skin, Naruto froze up with the gel being spread around by the wand of the machine.

"Found the little tyke." She said, causing the blond friend to look for his unborn child.

He barely saw anything but what looked to be a little cluster of cells that were starting to grow.

"This will hurt a bit." She warned, seeing Itachi latch his hand onto Naruto's. Nodding, the medic started to push a thin needle through the blond's skin, and into the location of where the bundle of cells was. Pulling up the syringe, she removed it and sighed. Patting Naruto, she saw a little prick of blood bubble up but it was soon wiped clean by Tsunade.

Shizune left the room to perform the tests that were needed. It was unusual that the baby so early in the development would be asked for a paternity test. Then again when Tsunade told her what happened, she would understand those two.

Naruto sat up, wiping the gel off his body with the tissue that Tsunade offered, tossing it into the waste bin. "So that was our kid."

"Yes. Just think, that will be a crying, dependent being soon." Tsunade said with a smile, remembering how she found out she was pregnant with Minato. "You want to know something. The way I found out I was pregnant with your father was besides a missed period but also going to the hospital because I sprained my wrist."

"How can they do that?" Naruto asked.

"They drew some blood to make sure I didn't have any diseases that weren't contagious and the doctor rushed back into, telling us that I was pregnant. I just thought I missed my period because of hormones." Tsunade replied with a laugh.

"Oka-san found out that she was going to have Sasuke by morning sickness. She had that feeling she was pregnant when that happened. It was kinda weird watching oto-san dance with her because of the news." Itachi blurted out with a thin line that was a smile.

"How did oka-san find out about me?" Naruto wondered as he turned his attention toward his grandmother.

"She took a regular take home test because hers missed a couple months." Tsunade clarified, "When she got the results, she tackled your father onto the couch with us watching them because they were living with us at the time as newly weds."

Naruto started to laugh when the door opened with the family friend strolling through with a piece of paper in her hands. Shizune sat down where she originally was and looked at them.

"So whose is it?" Naruto asked, fixing his shirt with his gaze still on the woman.

She couldn't help but smile with the news that she was sure they would want to hear. "The baby's Itachi."

Itachi lit up with a smile and hugged the blond who was yelling yes repeatedly. Pulling away he kissed him passionately before turning around and hugging the blond woman. "Thank you so much Shizune-chan." He hugged the medic and went back to the blond.

"I would like Naruto to come back next month so I can keep track. I rather be the one watching his progression since I know his case better then anyone. It's still confidential so you don't have to worry about anything."

"Then how will he have the child?" Itachi asked, wondering what would happen.

"Caesarean. It's the only way since he doesn't have a vagina. With today's technology, he should heal up nicely."

"Will he carry to full term then?" The older Uchiha brother questioned, staring at her for the answer.

"I don't know. I've never really heard of this type of pregnancy before but I can look around. I don't see how he can't." Shizune replied with the blond getting up and staying by Itachi's side.

"Thank you." All three said before bowing and disappearing out of the room.

When they got into the car, they hugged and kissed each other in celebration. Naruto put his phone on speaker and called his parents, telling them the news which earned a high pitch squeal from his mother.

Now onward to the pregnancy! *points finger* Please review

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