Rival settlement part 9

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The second test of the Chuunin Exam had finally ended. They had actually made it through and were ready for the final test, which would come in two weeks. At the moment, Naruto, along with Kakashi, was following the Third Hokage to his office. They were slowly walking through the village, Hokage greeting random people and Kakashi reading a certain book.

'Man… I don't have a single clone active right now…' Naruto inwardly whined. 'Why does the old man want to talk to me? I want to train, damn it!' He took a look at the back of his sensei. 'And why did Kakashi-sensei have to come along?'

Many moments later, as the Hokage was in no rush at all, they had finally made it to the Sandaime's office.

The old man went for his seat immediately and stared at the Jounin and Genin in front of him. "Congratulations, Naruto-kun. You've made it through the second test." He started. "I, however, have something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Obviously." The blonde grumbled softly, on which Kakashi eye-smiled.

"It has come to my attention that you have encountered a certain Shinobi, during your stay in the Forest of Death." The Fire Leader started. "One Mitarashi Anko has notified me."

"Ah, that examiner woman, right?" The Genin asked. "Yeah, but we've barely fought as she made it there before I could even have a crack at him." He lied, pretending to be frowning and acting disappointed. "That guy seemed pretty strong, too."

"Guy? What did he look like?"

"Pfff… He reminded me of a snake, with the way he talked and moved." He suddenly snapped his finger once. "That Anko chick! You once said there two women who could teach me how to deal with Genjutsu, right? Isn't she one of them?"

The Sandaime sighed, slightly frowning at Naruto's way of changing subjects. "Yes, she is, but unfortunately, she has a busy schedule. Now, what else can you tell from your experiences in the Forest of Death?"

"Uhm… Why are you asking me, old man? All I did was run after my teammates. Are you asking these questions to every Genin?"

The aging man shook his head. "No, you're the only one who has encountered Orochimaru, besides Anko."

Naruto refused to let his eyes narrow in fury at the mention of the snake who escaped from him. "Who's Orochimaru?"

"He is a former Konoha Shinobi, one of the Legendary Sannin, to be exact. Quite powerful. He is also a former student of mine. He has betrayed Konoha and has probably infiltrated our Village and the Chuunin Exams to do damage to us. If he has told you anything… It would be helpful if you told us."

Naruto tilted his head to the side and pretended to think back a few days. "No… All he did say was that he did not have time to deal with a Genin like me."

"… I see." A sigh indicated that subject was over with. "Kakashi told me something interesting. You can create a clone that only the Sharingan can see?"

Naruto pursed his lips together and shot his sensei a dirty look. "You snitch!" He pointed, before he turned back to the Hokage. "Yeah, I call it the Fuuin Bunshin. But I've found out not only the Sharingan can see it. Or…" He looked up thoughtfully. "Maybe it's the only thing that can see… it."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi questioned.

"I found out that mutt Kiba can smell 'm. And Hyuga Hinata… she could see the Chakra for the Jutsu, but not the Bunshin itself. And Shino… His bugs could apparently sense me… somehow."

"It makes sense. Their team is specialized in tracking. Looking and identifying Chakra is what they do best. They only get better as they grow more experienced." The Third explained. "But that means you have used the Fuuin Bunshin during your Chuunin Exam? A very clever thing to do, Naruto-kun."

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