Chapter 14

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~Iwaizumi's Pov~

I was in my bed sound asleep from the long day of school I had when I heard a knock on the front door. I quickly woke up and sat up in bed.

That's weird who would show up at my house this late..? Maybe I'm just imagining things, I thought.

Suddenly I heard a loud clap of thunder from outside. I turned towards my window and saw it was pouring down rain.

It wasn't raining before I fell asleep- wait how long have I been asleep.

I turned my phone on and looked at the time.

11:30 p.m

Suddenly I heard another knock on the door and that's when I knew that someone was definitely outside. I sighed and walked though the dark house and towards the front door.

As I approached the door, I received another knock. I hesitantly unlocked and opened the door.

The sight in front of me shocked me. Oikawa on my door step at 11:30 at night soaked from the rain with tears streaming down his face. "Oikawa?!", I asked in shock and confusion. I gently grabbed his arm and pulled him inside my house. "Dumbass you better not catch a cold," I frowned at my friends state. "Oikawa what happened?" I asked with concern.
"Can I stay with you tonight..?", he asked.

I could hear the sadness in his tone.

"Of course you can, but why did you show up so suddenly?" I question.
I received no response. I sighed and grabbed his hand gently. "C'mon I'll give you a towel and a change of clothes." I guided him upstairs to my room and handed him a random t-shirt of mine along with sweat pants and a towel.
"Thanks Iwa-chan", he said softly.
I nodded my head and turned around so he could have some privacy while he changes.

After he was done putting on dry clothes, I turned back around to face him once again. "Oikawa what's wrong? I know you wouldn't show up in the middle of the night at my house without a reason."

"I just..couldn't handle staying in my house anymore is all, Iwa-chan. I hate that place. It doesn't feel like home every since died", he whispered. I frowned and pulled him into a gentle hug. "You can stay here whenever you want. I understand. You don't have to tell me exactly what happened to make you leave your house either," I said softly. I heard a small "thank you" then a yawn.

I pulled away from the hug and walked towards my bed. "C'mon let's go to sleep. We still have hell tomorrow", I said as I laid down in bed. I then saw Oikawa start to walk towards my bedroom door to leave. "Oi where are you going?", I asked. "To sleep on the couch..?", he answered, but it sounded more like a questione.

"You don't have to do that Trashykawa. You deserve a good nights rest and that couch is literally the most uncomfortable piece of furniture ever."
"Then where do I slee-," he started before I cut his sentence short by patting the empty spot on my bed beside me. "Oh right", he smiled awkwardly and made his way towards my bed slowly.

Why is he acting so weird about sharing a bed? We've shared a bed before, so how is it any different now?" I mentally questioned.

~Oikawa's Pov~

I felt my face heat up as I laid in bed beside Iwa-Chan. We haven't shared a bed in a long time. Since then my feelings for Iwa-chan grew stronger, so now I'm more nervous and flustered to be this close to him all night.

Iwaoi soulmate AU حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن