Crystal Orbs And Tea Cups

Start from the beginning

"It's a death omen." Elisa said.

"We understood that much." Alice said, "But what exactly is this?"
She peered into the glass ball to see what the professor had seen.

"It's a dog." Amelia said, "A big, black one."

To Lily's left, Sirius made a choking noise. Everyone in the class turned to look at him. James's shoulders were shaking with silent laughter.

"Inside joke." Remus said when Lily raised an eyebrow at him.

James was now openly laughing and Peter had joined him. Remus seemed to be having a hard time maintaining a straight face. Sirius was smiling slightly now, after the initial shock of whatever it was had worn off. Professor Cassandra gave them a disapproving look before flouncing off to the other side of the classroom.

"What are you losers laughing about?" Marlene asked James.

James looked at Sirius briefly before turning back to Marlene. "Your imminent death. The relief that we'll be free of this torture soon."

Marlene scoffed. "This is all bullshit. That woman's just making stuff up for drama."

Mary and Daisy were looking at Marlene as if she had been diagnosed with some fatal disease.

"You're all crazy." Marlene said before walking out of the class as the bell rang.


"How do you know that?" Lily asked Pandora.

Their potion had started boiling fifteen minutes before the expected time, after Pandora had added some mysterious ingredient.

"My dad's an experimental potioneer. He works with Fleamont Potter." Pandora said.

"Fleamont Potter? James Potter's dad?" Lily asked.

Pandora nodded.

"I thought he's an auror. I read in the Prophet." Lily said.

"Both. Auror and potioneer." Pandora said.

"Has anyone finished their potion?" Slughorn asked from next to James's desk.

Lily, Pandora and Snape raised their hands.

"Mr. Snape, can you please help Mr. Potter here?" he asked.

Snape looked horrified. Next to Snape, Sirius covered his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter.

"Professor, I'm helping Avery." Snape said. Lily instantly knew it was a lie.

"Alright then." Slughorn looked around the class. "Miss Evans?"

"I'll help, Professor." Lily said.
She looked over at James's cauldron. The potion had turned a dark purple colour instead of silver. James gave her an apologetic shrug. Lily shook her head and walked to his table.


"But you have to choose one." James said.

"I can't. I like both." Lily said, stirring the contents of the cauldron.

"And why is that?"

Lily kept the laddle aside and turned to look at James. "Autumn because everything looks red and gold and beautiful. Winter because Christmas."

"Why not spring? Most girls like spring." James said.

"Because I'm not like most - ouch."
Lily flinched as the boiling potion splashed on her hand just as she added the last ingredient.

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