"I hate you." I told him. "You lied to me."

"W-what did I lie about?" He asked.

"You told me you loved me. But I heard you. You're gonna get rid of me."

His eyes widened. "You heard that...."

"I hate you." I said.

I took Bubbles and his food, and left.

"Chris, come back. Please? I do care. I do love you."

"No you don't. You're a mean, lier. Just like daddy." I told him, slamming the bedroom door.

I locked it and gave Bubbles his food. I threw myself on the bed, sobbing into the pillow.

I hate him. He's gonna get rid of me. He's probably gonna hurt me too.

He was banging on the door. "Please....I'm sorry. Open the door. Come out, please...."

"No! Leave me alone! Get away!"

After a few minutes, I heard a loud sigh, and his footsteps leave.

Why won't he just love me? Why won't anyone love me? Why am I so bad? What did I do wrong?

It's not fair! I just want to be happy! Is that too much to ask?


I guess I'd fallen asleep because I woke up to a knock at the bedroom door.

"Go 'way."

"It's Ricky. Can you please open the door?"

"Why?" I asked, picking Bubbles up off the floor.

I held him in my arms as I walked to the door.

"Because I want to talk to you."

I sighed and opened the door. I didn't see sir anywhere, so I let Rick in.

"What you wanna talks about?" I asked.

"Mike told me what happened."

"Yeah. What happened is that he's mean." I grumbled.

"Look...I know that nothing I sat will help you feel better, so why dotn you come spend the night with me and Devin." He said. "I'll talk to Mike about it. I won't let him send you somewhere else."

I nodded.

"Okay. Good. Get your stuff together, and sit on the bed. I'll come get you in a few."


That sounds okay. As long as I'm not here, I'm fine. I don't want to be around sir.

I didn't really have much stuff, so I grabbed the pillow I usually sleep on, and put Bubbles on top of it. I'm all ready now.

I'm bored though. I got off the bed and opened the door. I followed Rick, wanting to listen to what they were saying.

"He's coming home with me tonight. He's upset."

"No! I want him here!"

"Being here is only gonna make him more upset. He's mad at you. You hurt him."

"I didn't mean to. He wasn't supposed to hear that..." Sir sounded like he was crying.

Did I do that? Did I make him sad? I didn't mean to...I'm just mad at him.

I peeked out, trying to see. Sir was crying. I felt bad, but there was nothing I can do.

I went back in the bedroom. Bubbles wasn't sitting on the bed where I left him. I frowned.

"Bubbles?" I called. "Where's you?"

I looked under the bed, and in the bathroom, and in the closet, but he wasn't there. I sat on the floor and put my head in my hands.

"Bubbles? Please come back..."

I started to cry. Where did he go? I miss my Bubbles. I want him back. 

Rick walked into the room, holding him. "Missing something?"


He laughed, handing him to me.

"How'd you get him?" I asked.

"He ran out there before." Rick told him. "You ready?"

"Uh huh."

"Alright. Come on."

I followed him out the front door, and to his car.

I felt bad about leaving sir, but he was mean. I had to.


How do you think things will play out for Chris and Mike?

Omfg I'm so tired. I've been going for runs for the past couple days and my back hurts.


RUSH. || Kuzaless [ON HOLD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें