As soon as she finished ruffling Zorua's ashen locks, she peered up and caught my eyes, then Ash's. Something dark ignited within her, like the born of a black flame. I could see hatred tingle her skin, rippling through her chest and creasing the corners of her eyes into that intense glower I knew well. I could have sworn, one day the winds would change and her face would be forever stuck in that trite frown.

Elaina stood slowly, approaching the the front door with no emotion, save for the bleak and mad look welled in her pupils. When she stood next to me in the doorway, a few lucid feet between her and Ash, I thought she would say something. I expected more screaming, yelling, and raspy insults. Instead, there was an excruciating silence.

But the gold haired girl could only hold back for so long, especially when the quietness seemed to egg her on, pleading for her to strike. I watched as she raised her balled fist and swung with brute force, like thunder cackled from her bleached knuckles. I half expected Ash to dodge this blow, like he had the last, in one deft duck. But he didn't.

Alternatively, he stood rigid and still, allowing Elaina's fist to make contact square between the eyes. I'm sure he could have avoided the attack, he was well practiced and knowing Ash, his mind was always on the battlefield. It was as if he let her punch him, like he knew he deserved the pain. Like he wanted to punish himself. Feel the retribution.

But as soon as the shooting discomfort scorched through his nerves, Ash doubled over, hands clutching his nose. A clean crack snapped through the air as soon as the contact was made and I cringed, having to look away.

"Pika! Pikachu!" The yellow creature shrieked, skidding off Ash's shoulder with the sudden jerk. Worrisome swam in Pikachu's ebony eyes as he glanced up at his trainer.

"I don't miss twice!" Elaina seethed, as if forcing the words through sharpened fangs. Ash spluttered in response, moaning as thick streams of warm blood trickled between his fingers and ridge of his upper lip.

"I nose." Ash groaned amongst hiccups and severe intakes of breath. He flung his head back, as if to drain the blood back into his nostrils. I gaped in utter shock, not sure wether to help Ash or scold Elaina or laugh.

"You spilt the blood, Ash. And now it's gone bad." The gold haired girl hissed before pivoting on her heel to storm back into the pent house. Her bland cursing drifted away as she searched the kitchen for a first aid kit, clutching the hand she used to plant that punch.

"Argh, damn, that hurt." Were the last words I heard from her.

Turning back to the jet haired boy, I saw his unwavering stare and flinched, nose still turned skywards and looking out the corner of his eye. Rivers of scarlet trekked discord paths down the bottom half of his face. His fingers were painted in the same stomach-wrenching cardinal color. And I smelt the metallic redolent of blood.

"Did she actually break your nose?" I asked, though it came out rather distorted, an awkward mixture of sniggering and seriousness.

"Yeah, I think so." He winced, prodding at the tender spot. I sighed, rubbing a cold hand across my temples in a prolonged movement, hesitation tying my tongue for a brief moment.

"You need to see nurse Joy. Come on, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center. It's not far from here." I said eventually. Pushing past Ash, our shoulders grazed unintentionally. I wasn't meant to feel anything for the raven haired champion anymore. But that small contact ignited fulminations pulsating in heated waves across my skin. It was a touch I missed so much. With every ounce of the better me, I ignored it.

Our Alternate Ending | | A Pokemon Adventureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें