"Trust me it's good." Dex interrupted her. Just in case Sophie lifted the lid, towards Keefe who's smirk only grew. "It's kind of a prank on the blue team." He said. Sophie peeked in the box and looked at the red bramble jersey. "The council never chooses sides." Said a girl. "So if we had a councilor rooting for us it might shake them up." Dex said. Sophie pulled the jersey out and Dex took the box. The number on it was '1'. "We need our number one fan cheering us on." Keefe teased. Sophie rolled her eyes, "I'll give you a whole box of mood candy if you wear it." Keefe said smugly. "Keefe, are you trying to bribe a councilor?" Sophie asked in fake shock, before smiling. "Deal." A few laughs went around, Sophie looked at Fitz.

"This was your surprise?" She transmitted. Fitz shook his head. "Nah, I'll tell you, once they all leave." He replied. "Hey. No, private talking unless you're talking about me." Keefe said, fanning the air. Sophie and Fitz looked at each other, already knowing they were thinking the same thing, they looked back at Keefe. Lifting their feet they kicked his shins. "Ouch!" Keefe yelped. Sophie chuckled as her imparter buzzed. Frowning she looked down, "Is that important?" Fitz asked. "No, it's just Harley. I'll hail him back later." Sophie said canceling the call. "Harley?" Fitz asked. Sophie shook her head before turning to the team. "So do you have a captain?" She asked. All eyes turned to Fitz, "All captain's wear number one." Keefe said smirking.

"But-" Sophie looked down at the clean jersey in her lap. It was bigger than her, and looked to be freshly washed, Sophie looked up at Fitz who smiled nervously. "Now my surprise is ruined." He said. "You- but- shouldn't-..." Sophie couldn't find the right words as she felt herself blush, she looked back down at the jersey. "Aaaaaww...." Keefe teased. "We made her blush." He cooed. Sophie would of shot back but her imparter buzzed again. This time it was from Emery.

"Sorry guys. I have to head back." She said standing up, swinging her bag over her shoulder, she held the jersey close. "Good luck at the championships." She said looking at the team, "Who needs luck when they have me?" Keefe asked, Sophie rolled her eyes before glancing at Dex. "Bye cousin." She said ruffling his hair. Dex rolled his eyes as he ducked away. "Bye." He said. "See you.." Sophie trailed off feeling her face flush, she hadn't even checked the time of the game. "Tomorrow at sunrise." Fitz said, as he stood up with her. "Sunrise?" Sophie asked. "It's an all day event Foster." Keefe said. "Right. See you then." She said accepting a quick hug from Fitz.

Back at her office, Emery was waiting for her. He frowned as she set the red jersey on her clean desk. "You said you'd have the reports ready." He said. Sophie had finished the piles of paper work p, easily and nothing seemed to be coming in. "Right here." Sophie said as she pulled the reports out of her bag. Emery took them. As he scanned them, he spoke, "You know the council doesn't pick sides at the championships don't you?" He asked. "There isn't any rule against cheering on friends." Sophie said, as she sat behind her desk. Emery's piercing blue eyes met her, since Sophie knew about him and Liora, he seemed much less intimidating, her respect for him had dropped down a notch.

She realized he wasn't this calm elf who had always seemed untouchable and unbreakable, but now Sophie realized he wasn't. Sophie met his eyes and after a moment he pulled his gaze away from hers, looking back at her report. "If you wear that jersey, the others will have no choice but to wear one as well." He said. Briefly Sophie wondered what Bronte would look like in a jersey. Smiling at the mental picture she looked at Emery. "I'm cheering my friends on." She said firmly, as she brushed her hand over the jersey. "Very well. We'll have to split up evenly." Emery said standing up. "What did you think of the report?" Sophie asked. Emery looked back at the papers in his hand. "It's certainly something that should be taken into consideration." He said before leaving.

Sophie sat back in her seat and stared at the folded jersey. Fitz had worn that at all his games... He was captain meaning the jersey was everything in the game...but he gave it to her. Sophie blushed at the thought, before putting her feet up on the desk and pushing her chair back, leaning her head back, she felt her hair swing, she stretched. "Ah, it feels good to have gotten all that work done so early." She said to no one in particular. "You still have to hail Harley." Sandor said. Sophie didn't answer as she stared at the painting behind her desk.

Stretching farther, she heard her circlet fall, but the cold realization that made her freeze, blocked out all feeling. A sharp knock signaled someone at the door before it swung open. Sophie yelped and fell out her chair, banging her head on the desk, her legs were in a tangled mess with the chair. Sophie let out a quiet groan before sitting up and looking at who came in her room.


"Oh....um....hi?" Sophie asked nervously. Noland looked around her clean office, and the fern that had grown twice the size it had been when Oralie gave it to her. "What were you doing?" He asked, as Sophie stood up and straightened her chair, picking up her circlet she put it firmly on her head as she sat down. "Just getting a new look on things." Sophie said. "Can I help you?" She asked. Noland cleared his throat. "Yes you can." He said as he held out a paper to her. "Explain this please." He said. Sophie frowned at the familiar writing.

Meet me in my office.
Sophie Foster.

Sophie snatched the paper from him and stared at her signature she hadn't signed. "I didn't write this." She said looking up at Noland. "Isn't that your writing and signature?" He asked. "Yes, but I didn't write this." She said. "Kysil just came in my office and gave it to me." Noland said. Sophie frowned and shook her head. "I sent Kysil away for the day, his sister is getting married." She said before meeting Noland's eyes. Someone had wanted Noland out of his office. Sophie threw the note aside and raced for the door. Noland followed her, Sophie stopped at the door as Sandor hurried out in front of her, she looked at the painting, which was two in one.

As it was it looked like a landscape, with a few puddles and silver lined clouds, however staring at it upside down, it was a crystal clear lake,

With a black swan swimming over it.

(Aw Fitz...)

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