Her Golden Locks

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"Tell another! Tell another!" Sif giggled, clutching her stomach for support.

Thor smiled, happy to have made her laugh. "Ok, why did the picture go to jail?"

Sif thought for a moment, another smirk appearing on her face. "Why?" she asked, when she had given up.

"Because it was framed!" The two children broke out into a new bout of laughter, causing many of the passerby's in the area to stare, but Sif and Thor paid no attention. Although, neither noticed the sad face of Loki who stood in the shadows looking on. Sif had promised to meet him in the orchard that afternoon in particular, as she hadn't shown up in a number of days.

Loki sighed and walked away. The one friend he had, had chosen the company of Thor over him, just like everyone else. He stared ruefully into the sky, knowing something had to be done to teach her a lesson. Then, a brilliant plan struck his mind. He smirked maliciously and ran to his room to devise the exact details.

After locking his doors, Loki snatched up the nearest piece of paper he could find and began to write out his scheme. He would cut all of Sif's prized golden hair to show her how something she valued so much could be taken away so easily. Not to mention, Loki was well aware of Thor's affinity for Sif's hair. The thought of his plan breaking their relationship apart, pleased Loki greatly. Eagerly awaiting the night's events, he reached over his desk and grabbed his sharpest pair of scissors that would surely do the deed.

That night, when the many moons of Asgard shone bright in the sky, the little God of mischief slunk in the shadows, praying he wouldn't be spotted by the watchful eyes of the guards. With his scissors in hand, Loki finally made it to Sif's home just outside of the palace. It was small, yet cozy looking with vines that clawed up the side of stone structure.

Much to his convenience, a wooden covering hung above the entrance, making it an ideal way to get upstairs and into Sif's bedroom, without making too much of a racket. Loki grabbed hold of the sides and hoisted himself up; glad of his many days in the orchard he spent climbing. Once on top of the roof-like structure, Loki peered into the windows and spotted the sleeping figure of Sif.

Carefully, he opened the latch and climbed in. She looked peaceful as she slept, but Loki knew once SIf awoke, that peacefulness would be long gone. He tiptoed over to her bedside and lifted her long, beautiful hair into his hands. "It's a shame this had to happen," Loki sighed, barely audible. Then, he snipped away every last strand until there was nothing left, but the bare skin on her head. He snickered as he looked down upon his work triumphantly. "See you in the morning, Lady Sif," he said before sneaking back out into the night.

Bloodcurdling screams echoed throughout all of Asgard. Guards raced from their posts to find its source, but when Loki awoke to its dreadful sound, he merely smirked. He knew his plan had been successful and he awaited the look on her face when she went crying to Thor, only for him to reject her for the loss of her beautiful hair.

When the time for training came upon Loki, he was already dressed and ready. He was also more than excited to make Sif's dreadful even day worse by taunting her. That would teach Sif not to ignore him again, he thought. 

Loki strutted into the training area as he scanned the scene for the bald girl he had once called friend. Although, she did not appear to be anywhere in sight.  He frowned slightly and turned heel to look for her. She had to at least be somewhere in the castle, but then it struck him that Sif was most likely still at her home, as even though  she was usually just proud, Sif could be vain, as well. Yet, as Loki thought more in depth around it, he realized she was probably just ashamed rather than absorbed in herself. 

Since Loki was lost in his own mind, he didn't notice until it was too late that a body had come hurdling towards him, smashing him into the wall. Whoever it was, they were bulky and clearly angry. Loki smiled a toothy grin when he saw it was his oaf of a brother, Thor. 

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