But Luke had already retrieved the handkerchief folded in his pocket. I took it gratefully and blotted my eyes.

"Do you see this?" I asked Luke. "I'm going to be crying so much next Friday. Literally everything makes me cry recently..."

"Maybe your pregnant." Luke joked and laughed and I shook my head at him.

"I don't think so but really. Spill your water over. I'll cry." Making fun of myself lightened my mood and soon I was laughing with him. "Distract me, please."

"Gladly, Your Highness."

"I am not a highness," I stopped Luke. "That is not the best way to distract me."

"As you wish," he teased.

I groaned and slouched back in my chair. "So where's Edwards's ring?"

Luke squirmed in his seat, his eyes darting out over the crowd. Either I was dealing with a case of cold feet or he had bad news. My heart sunk as I remembered he'd set up today's lunch. Still, he wasn't crying.

"Change your mind?" I asked, giving him an out. If Edward had refused Luke, he could claim a change of heart. I'd let him live for now.

"Not exactly." Luke inhaled deeply, finally releasing his breath when a familiar figure appeared at the table.


"Hi, baby," his other half took the chair next to his and leaned in for a quick kiss. I watched them, feeling the lump in my throat growing. I'd never seen either of them so relaxed before. Edward lounged casually back, A few months ago, they wouldn't have even sat next to each other.

"Oh by the way we've made Perrie cry again," Luke said. Edward shifted forward with a worried look passing over his handsome face.

I picked up Luke's handkerchief, embarrassed and waved off Edward's concern. "Stress."

"I am not looking forward to that," Edward said. "Are you going to be like this?"

I swallowed against my tears and stared at them. "Wait a minute! Show me your hand Edward now!."

Edward held up his left hand smugly, displaying the sleek engagement ring Luke and I had picked out a few weeks ago.

"I can't believe you've been sitting here all this time and you didn't say a thing," I accused Luke. Jumping up, I gave them both a hug.

"It's my fault Perrie," Edward said. "I wanted to be here."

"You're the first person we've told Perrie," Luke added.

"Me?" I squeaked.

"Don't cry again!" Luke laughed as I began to do just that.

"I can't help it," I said. I'd been there for the transformation of their relationship. Now I was here for its evolution.

"You're the reason we're here Perrie," Edward said softly. Our eyes met and in that moment I knew Luke wasn't just getting married, They were growing our family.

"Yeah, if your sister hadn't kissed me at that party," Luke joked.

Edward smacked him on the shoulder before I could.

"Seriously Perrie, you and Jade showed me I didn't have to choose blood over love." He clasped Edward's hand and brought it to his lips. "Thank you."

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