Chapter Three

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“Anthony! Time to wake up!” I heard my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

I got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When I got down there, I saw sausage, bacon, toast, eggs, and homemade waffles sitting on the table. I sat down at the table and looked up at my mom.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked her.

She turned from the stove and looked at me. “Nothing. What makes you think that there needs to be a special occasion for me to make my son breakfast?” she replied.

I shrugged and said, “Nothing. It’s just that you normally make breakfast on Saturday and Sunday since you don’t have to wake up so early to make it. Today’s only Friday.”

She turned back to the stove and mixed something in a pot. “I know. I woke up early and couldn’t fall back asleep. That’s all. Go ahead and make yourself a plate before it gets cold.”

“Okay.” I took the plate that was in front of me and piled on some of the food that sat in front of me. I was eating a piece of waffle and sausage when my mom spoke again.

“How did you sleep the rest of the night?” she asked. She made herself a plate and sat across from me.

“I slept fine. I’m not even sure I dreamed the rest of the night,” I replied after I swallowed my food.

My mom laughed softly and shook her head. “Oh, Ant. The average person has five to six dreams a night with the proper amount of sleep. Of course you dreamed. You just don’t remember.” She smiled and started eating her food.

“Yeah. That’s true. Maybe I should be glad that I don’t remember the rest.”

“What did you dream about that you were screaming in your sleep?” She looked up at me with concern.

“Uh. Nothing important. It was just a bad dream.” I shrugged and took another bite.

“Okay. Tell me about it when you’re ready.”

I nodded and finished my food. I got up, put my plate in the sink, and started heading up the stairs when I heard my mom sigh. I decided to ignore it for now, and continued up to my room. When I entered my room, I changed and fixed my hair. Then, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I looked at the time, I noticed that I had to go, or I’d be late.

I couldn’t take another late this year. I came in late so many times, that I’m surprised that they haven’t given me a detention, yet. But, the last time I was late, I was told that if I was late one more time, I’d be in detention. I tend to wake up late when my mom doesn’t wake me up, so I tend to get to school late, too.

I grabbed my backpack and descended down the stairs quickly. As I passed the kitchen, I heard my mom talking on the phone.

“Are you sure?” she asked the person on the other line. “I don’t know. I don’t think there’s anyone that would want to hurt him. I mean, he’s never done anything wrong….. No. I understand….. Okay. Thanks for telling me….. Bye.” With that, she hung up the phone and tossed it on the table. She sat at the table with her head in her hands and looking at the table.

“Mom? What’s wrong?” I asked, staying in the doorway of the kitchen.

“Nothing, Anthony. I’ll let you know after you get back. Until then, go to school. Don’t be late, again,” she responded without looking up.

“Okay. I’ll see you later.” I walked out the door without waiting for a reply. What’s going on? Why is everyone keeping secrets? Who was she on the phone with? My thoughts kept going as I walked to school. When I got there, I made it with a minute to spare before homeroom. But, since Kamryn was still in the hospital, I just went to homeroom.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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