Who's better?

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"Cut! Cut!" Your coached yelled for what you need to do. "Stop!" She said as she walked onto the court. "Y/n! What's wrong with you?" "I don't know coach." You said while looking down. "Well, you better find out! We have a huge coed tournament in a couple of days! We don't have time to slack off!" Your coach yelled while getting closer to you. "I'm sorry coach. I'll try harder." "I'm sure you will. Alright, let's run it again!" She said while walking back to the baseline.

2 hours later
"Alright ladies. Good job today. No practice tomorrow so you guys can get some rest, but we have practice on Wednesday and we leave Wednesday night, so be ready for a long day. Get some good sleep tonight, get some good rest tomorrow, eat right, stay hydrated, and lets go work." Your coach said while putting her hands in the middle. "Team on 3! 1, 2, 3!" "TEAM!" You ran off to the locker room with the rest of the team to get your stuff together. "Hey y/n. Can I talk to you?" You heard as your coach walked into the locker room. "Oh, um, yeah sure." You said a little nervous. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna yell at you." Your coach said as she closed the door. "I see your mind isn't in the right place. Everything alright at home?" "Oh yeah of course! Everything is fine. I guess I'm just a little nervous about the tournament." "I figured that. What's making you nervous?" She asked as she crossed her arms. "I think the whole 'coed' part of it." "What's the problem with that?" "You do know who we are playing against in our first game right?" "No actually I don't. Who is it? I need to look at the schedule." Your coach said while nodding her head. "LaMelo Ball. THE LaMelo Ball. The Big Ballers." "Aw yes, those Ball boys. Look y/n, you are a phenomenal basketball player, and I know that you and the rest of the girls are gonna do great, no matter who we face." "Oh, thank you coach. That means a lot." "No problem. Now, go get changed! Your parents are waiting." "Yes coach!" You said as you ran into the locker room.

Wednesday Night
"Do we have everyone?" Your coach asked as she looked around the bus. "Yes!" You all shouted in unison. "Alright. LA, here we come!" Your coach said as she pulled off. "Woohoo!" The team all said together. "Do you know how long the drive is?" Emily asked you while taking out an earbud. "I think 10 hours." You said while slumping back in your seat. "Ugh. Kill me." Emily said while putting her earbud back in. "This is going to be interesting." You said while leaning your head on the window.

Big Ballers Bus
"Aye!" LaMelo yelled throughout the bus. "How long is this gonna take us? And why are we leaving at night?" "Because there won't be much traffic, and it's only gonna take an hour or two." His dad said. "I heard the girls team that we'll be facing is driving from Phoenix to LA. That's 10 fucking hours." Lonzo said from the back of the bus. "Oh hell nah!" LaMelo said while laughing. "Aye, maybe that will make them tired so y'all can blow them out!" Lonzo said while walking closer to were the conversation was being held. "Aye, I'm not gonna lie though, y/n, the point guard, is fine as fuck bro." LaMelo said while falling over. "Fax!" Someone yelled from the back. "Dude, let me clap that." Melo said while looking at his phone. "BRUH she don't want yo ugly ass." "How you know?" "Alright! That's enough! We are at a rest stop, so go stretch y'alls legs and get some food." LaMelo's dad said. "Ight." The whole team said in unison.

(Hey guys! Ok, so this is getting really long so this is going to be part one and I'll post part two tomorrow which will be the last part. I hope you guys enjoy part 1! These are their summer league teams btw but y'all probably already knew because y'all are smart. 😅)

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