First day at Chino

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I walked in the front door of my new school, not sure what to expect. I'm really shy, so the first day of school is not the easiest of days. As I walked into the school, I looked around and saw all the new faces staring at me like I was an alien or something. My first day of school was literally in the MIDDLE OF THE YEAR! (Thanks dad) As I went to the office to get my schedule, I saw a group of boys. I recognized them immediately. "The Ball Brothers?" I whispered to myself. I guess it was a little louder than I expected, because LaMelo turned and looked at me. I turned my head fast and walked into the doors of the office. "Aye was that the new girl?" LaMelo asked. "Yeah! I watch her all the time on YouTube. She's so good at basketball. I'm a little obsessed with her." Lonzo said. "Another ankle bully? Didn't think that was possible." LaMelo said with a little chuckle.

•4 hours later•

It was lunch time. My least favorite part of being the new kid at a new school. I had no one to sit with. At my old school, I had a HUGE group of friends, but they were mainly athletes. I didn't choose to have so many athletic friends, but being on a team, you kinda have no choice but to talk and make friends with them. As I got my food, I looked out and tried to see if I could find an empty table, but of course, I ended up locking eyes with LaMelo. He was my favorite Ball brother I'm not going to lie and he's sooooo fine, but nothing would ever happen between us. At least I didn't think so. As I looked away quickly, I saw him stand up and walk towards me. I didn't know what to do, so I started walking the other way like I didn't see him. I heard him call me name. "Y/n!" Wait, how did he know my name? I turned around and looked at him. "Hey" he said. "Oh hey. Wait, how do you know my name?" I asked nervously. I think he could tell I was nervous because he laughed a little. "Because I watch your highlights all the time on YouTube with my big bro zo, and he is kinda obsessed with you and your basketball skills." I'm surprised someone so good as Lonzo and LaMelo would be impressed with my basketball skills. I mean I am kinda good, not gonna lie, but I'm still surprised. "Oh well thank you. That's so nice." He smiled at me and blushed a little. "Hey ummm do you...w-wanna sit with us?" He asked a little nervously. "Of course! Thank you." You smiled at him and walked with him to the table and met some of his friends. Who knew that would be the start of an amazing friendship.

(Hey guys!This really wasn't what I had in mind to write about but I think it turned out ok. I'm sorry for any errors that I missed. I hope you guys enjoy!!)

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