Long distance

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"Hey babe" you said as you answered the phone. "Hey y/n. I miss you." "I miss you too baby." You and LaMelo were in a long distance relationship, and it honestly sucked. Y'all have been dating for a year and 4 months and have only seen each other 4 times! That's not normal or healthy! You were starting to have doubts about it. "Hey. Can I tell you something?" You asked him. "Of course babe." "I'm not sure if I can keep doing this. We've literally only seen each other 4 times. I don't think my heart can take it. I think we need to just end this." "No! Please! We can totally make this work. We have been making it work for over a year, y/n. Trust me, you'll see me in person soon." "I want to see you now! Ugh! I just want to hold you and kiss you!" You said with a frown and shouting a little. "I know. I want to do that stuff to you too baby, but don't worry, we will be together soon. I can feel it." He said with a warm smile. "Are you hinting at something?" You said with a confused look. "No. Why?" He said with a straight face. "It just seems like yo-" you were cut off by a knock at the door. "Hold on babe, someone is at the door." "No, take me with you!" "Why?" You said while chuckling a little. "Because what if it's a burglar or something?" "Um yeah ok sure." You walked down the stairs with the phone against your ear. Once you reached the door, you opened it and couldn't believe your eyes. "LaMelo?" You said with a shocked expression on your face. "Oh my god!" You said while running into his arms. "I missed you so so so much. Ahhhh oh my god!" You said while squeezing him. "I missed you too baby girl." He said while laughing and hugging you tightly. You let go of him, looked him in his eyes, and kissed him. You pulled him into the house, and went to your room to lay down and just relax. His presence was all that you ever wanted, and you finally got your wish.

(Hey guys! I would just like to thank y'all for 1k reads!!! That's so cool! I know this one is not so good, but it's just something to post I guess. I hope you guys enjoy it though! Sorry for any mistakes again! 🙌🏽)

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