Never should have cared

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"I never should have cared as much as I did about you." LaMelo said while looking at you with pure hatred. "LaMelo please." You said while sobbing loudly. "You're unbelievable. I can't believe you hooked up with my brother behind my back! Are you kidding me? Gelo? Who does that?!" "LaMelo, I was drunk. Please, just listen to me!" "No! I'm done listening! That drunk excuse is a little old don't ya think? All you managed to do was break my heart. I loved you y/n! You were my first love! You were everything I wanted in a girl! You were so perfect! But since you did what you did, you are no longer attractive to me. It's over. For good!" "LaMelo...LaMelo please?" You said while your voice cracked a little. "I'm done. I'm never speaking to you again. You can go ahead and delete my number and all of our pictures together. Here, I'll do it for you." He said while taking your phone. "You know, your being a real jerk right now." You said while giving him a side eye. "Oh, me? Being a jerk? And what did you do last night? Yeah.....that's what I thought." He said while handing you your phone. "Thanks for nothing." LaMelo said while he walked out the door, never turning back. "You're welcome!" You screamed towards him even though he probably didn't hear.

(Hey guys! Sorry I took a little while to update. I was trying to think of some ideas. I hope you guys like this one! I know it's not very long, but I hope it's alright. Thanks for reading! 🥉)

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