Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


My presence in the village became something mundane and normal to everyone now. Running errands warranted greetings from familiar faces, and I now took the effort to memorize the villagers' names and features.

But with all of this peacefulness, something else was bothering me.

"Soah, let me help you with that."

I tightened my grip on the handle of the bucket I drew water with simply a few moments ago.

"It's ok, Dong-Young," I said, attempting to stand my ground. Giving in meant I would have to be in his company until I made it back home.

"Don't be stubborn," he grabbed the handle of the bucket and yanked it from my hands. I avoided looking at his face and brought my eyes to the ground, fighting back the urge to glare at him. Through each passing day, Dong-Young has appeared at my side as a helper with my chores or as a companion for conversation.

But at this point, he's just become an nuisance.

"Dong-Young," I tried staying calm, "there's no need for you to waste spending your time with me."

He stared at me quizzically with the bucket in his hands.

"Soah, you don't know?" Then he gave me a warm smile, a slight tinge of amusement playing at the corner of his lips.

Placing the bucket on the ground, he took my hand into both of his own. He held it tenderly, as if it would break if he tightened his grip any further. But I could feel the warmth radiating from the palms of his hands. My eyes widened in surprise when he brought my hand close, his lips brushing the tips of my fingers. Frozen in place, I was too shocked to pull my hand away.

The playfulness gone from his face, Dong-Young looked up at me with a fierce gaze. The amount of gentleness and affection glowing in his eyes made even me embarrassed, my cheeks growing warm from it.

"I've been putting this off for a while now but," he hesitated, appearing to question himself. But then his confidence flooded back into his expression once again.

"Marry me, Soah."

I narrowed my eyes pulling my hand away in the most polite manner I could muster.

"Why does that sound like a command?" I was becoming skeptical at the sudden turn of events. "Isn't that suppose to be a question?"

He chuckled. "I guess that just shows how desperate I am..."

"Since I'm so in love with you." He added nonchalantly.

I silently stopped in my tracks, clenching my hands into a fist. I could feel the skin of my palms on the brink of being torn by my nails.

"Dong-Young, I'm sorry." My hands went up to cover my face, forcing myself to not break down. "But I can't return your feelings."

I tried to imagine what his expression was right now. Anger? Disappointment?

I wonder if the me before liked him. Liked him enough to marry him. But that was the catch: The "me" that didn't lose her memories.

"I-, it's just-," I couldn't find the words to explain it.

There's nothing here for me to hold on to. I'm supposed to have all I need, yet why do I feel so lonely? My father is now trying to make amends. My mother has become happier. The man in front of me wants to marry me, and he could provide for my every need.

But why does it feel like I have nothing?

"It's just, I'm being overwhelmed right now. A lot has happened, and I don't know how to react," the words managed to come out of my mouth.

I didn't even try to look at his face. My gaze simply strayed to the ground and settled there for what seemed like for eternity.

Then I felt his hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze. He could tell that I needed comfort, yet also at the same time, distance.

"Soah, it's ok. I'm sorry that I can't help you more." He said softly. "Soah... I know that... you've lost your memories."

I froze.

I knew that my acting was terrible, but I thought that I could at least fake it till I made it.

But it looks like I didn't make it.

What do I say. I don't know what you're saying? But that just seems like the lamest excuse. Should I just laugh. No. That makes it even more suspicious.

Before I could even formulate an escape plan, he spoke again.

"Whatever happens from now on, I will support you no matter what."

At those words, I allowed myself to look up. His face was just so... warm. He knew the struggles that I was going through. He knew that I shouldn't be pushed. After all this time without a sliver of a memory, I've never received such kindness like this. Even if it was only a few sentences.

"Was it that bad?" I asked shamefully.

He chuckled. "Well you gave it away with you face."

"My face?" I asked, clearly puzzled.

"It wasn't like you were confused. It just seemed like nothing ever fazed you." He explained. "Or more like, you would never react to anything. It was as if you were trying to not give anything away."

"Well it seemed like no one else caught on. Do you always stare at my face?" I asked in mock accusation.

He laughed as he ruffled my hair. "Well I know you don't remember, but I've known you for a long time so it wasn't hard to figure out."

"Dong-Young, thank you." I said, trying to show him just how sincere I was. He understood how overwhelmed I was, and he didn't judge me for it.

"No need to thank me," he laughed. "Alright, now just go home, and I'll take care of the rest. It's getting late." He gave me a gentle shove in the direction of my home.

I simply nodded my head and walked back to my home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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