Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This little boy is the water god?

"You were that boy with the ball," I pointed out.

We were seated and facing each other, having a cup of tea. Habaek didn't look up from his and answered back.

"Yes. And you were that girl who picked up something that wasn't hers."

I didn't flinch from his statement, but I could tell he wasn't just some ordinary kid. He could turn me into dust any time he wanted.

Suddenly, the door burst open and three people came flying out. They laughed sheepishly and bowed their heads. I heard Habaek sigh as they got themselves settled. After finishing up, the introductions came next.

"I'm Mura," the woman with a tattoo on her right eye said.

"Call me Yohee." Introducing herself, the little girl gave me a friendly smile.

Then the man with the pair of goggles greeted me.

"I'm Ju-dong." He then caught a hold of my hands and gazed at me, his eyes sparkling. "You really are cute," he said dazedly.

"Thank you," I replied coolly. "I'm Soah." Saying a name that wasn't my own felt strange, as if it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Mura shoved him backwards, making him land flat on his back. He sat up rubbing his sore spots.

"Sorry," she apologized. "That guy's a fool."

The day continued on with everyone having a fun time with the three new faces in the palace.


"Don't you miss your family?" Habaek asked. I was in my bedroom, my knees pulled up to my chin. Habaek was sitting in a chair across from me.

"My family?" I mused. Was that crying woman suppose to be my mother? When I think of her face, no emotions come to mind.

Habaek looked at me curiously as I was thinking in silence, his face as if he was trying to solve a complex puzzle.

"No," I simply said after a pause.

"Hmph. Humans are such stupid creatures. I said for them to sacrifice the prettiest girl. I'll give them a five-hundred year drought instead of five." Habaek threatened.

"Then do it. Those people don't affect me." I said.

He looked surprised at first, but he then scowled at me.

"Suit yourself." He got up and made his way out of my room. When he was in the doorway, I called out to him.

"Good night, Habaek."

He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me, looking confused. His expression softened after a moment.

"Good night."


Habaek's POV

It was the first time that I met a human like her. She always speaks her mind, but most of the time she's silent, only speaking when necessary. Indifference is also one of her most obvious traits. Nothing ever gets to her. She would answer everything with a blank stare, as if she had no emotions.

I gazed out of the window, watching as the sun was replaced by the moon.


I watched my body transform into my true form, a grown young man instead of a child.

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