Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Mura, where's Mui?" I asked.

"I saw him in the east building's reading room. What do you need with him?" Mura smoked her pipe as usual.

I lifted up the bundle of scrolls in my arms to show to her.

"I was asked to deliver these to him. Anyway, thank you. I'll take my leave now." I bowed to her and made my way to the reading room.

When I finally arrived, I held the scrolls in one arm and carefully slid the door open. When it was possible for me to enter, my eyes landed on a dark figure sprawled on the floor.

"Excuse me! Are you ok?!" I immediately dashed over to the body, dropping the documents in the process.

I kneeled on the floor and rolled the person's body on its back so that I could could see their face.

"Mui?" I asked, recognizing his familiar features. "Can you hear me right now? Please respond!"

I placed my hand over his forehead and felt a burning heat travel to my palm.

This is bad. He's having a fever. I need to call Tae El Jin.

"Mui!" I called out his name again, trying to shake him awake.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw his eyes flutter open. His face was flushed to a bright red, and his breathing was uneven.

"Mui, I'm going to get Tae El Jin," I said as I was about to stand up, but I felt a sharp tug pull me towards him.

"Don't go," he panted.

Before I knew it, our faces were only inches apart, and Mui's mouth crashed in mine. At that moment, all I could feel was a feverish heat from his lips pressed against my own. I tried to shove him away in protest, but it proved to be useless as he buried his hand into my hair and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

Stop! I don't want this, Mui!

"Nakbin," he breathed against my mouth.

My eyes widened at Mui saying her name, and I clenched my hand into a fist, pulling it to my side.

Sorry, Mui. This will hurt.

I gathered all of my strength into my arm and swung my hand around his face, my fist connecting with his cheek. The sound was like a loud crack of thunder, even taking me by surprise. My punch threw his already weak self to the wooden floor, and I could tell he would not be able to get back up.

"I'm so sorry!" I whispered, but I knew he didn't hear me. My hand began to darken into a rosy pink color, and I could feel a sting like needles on my unclenched fist. Then I unconsciously wiped my lips with the palm of my hand.

Is he one of those people that just kisses whoever is closest to them when they have a fever?! Pretty messed up if I say so myself.

After calming my self from the adrenaline rush, I thought about how I couldn't help but have a feeling of familiarity when Mui said that woman's name. I couldn't pinpoint why, but I somehow knew that it was something I remembered a long time ago.

Before being completely lost in my thoughts, I turned back to Mui still delirious with fever. Laying the back of my hand against his forehead, I realized this was the same thing that happened to Habaek when he fainted.

"Mui, I'll be right back I'm going to find Tae El Jin."


"It was a good thing that you found him before the symptoms became worse," Tae El Jin said as his took a whiff of Mui's spilled alcohol cup.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"It seems Mui's alcohol had drugs mixed," Tae El Jin said, "that promotes lust."

What?! Whoever would do that is a person who dabbles in questionable things.

I realized that the doctor fixed his gaze on me. A peal of laughter escaped my lips before I knew it.

"Well, it definitely wasn't me. I'm not interested in that sort of thing." I said firmly.

"Haha, don't worry. I am not suspicious of you... but of another person." He was deep in thought.

"If I may ask," I said suddenly, getting Tae El Jin's attention, "who is Nakbin?"

"Ah, her?" He asked thoughtfully. "Well she was Habaek's first bride... and the only one he ever loved."

The room was engulfed in silence until the both of us heard the rustling of clothes.

"It seems he is waking up," Tae El Jin pointed out. He leaned in close to Mui and observed his condition.

"Have you come to your senses, Mui? How are you feeling?"

"Nakbin?" Mui breathed.

Uh oh.

Before I could save the doctor, Mui's hands were already around his neck, and he pulled him into a kiss.


"Wait!" I cried. "Tae El Jin, he is a patient! Please stop!"


Today was the usual cool afternoon. Gleaming water droplets were in the air, and there was the same air balloon lazily floating in the sky. As I reached out my hand to touch the droplets, Tae El Jin suggested for Habaek and I to attend the Moonlight Festival.

"I think by going it would be a good stress reliever. I believe you will have a fun time." Tae El Jin explained.

"I'm not going." Habaek said bluntly. "I hate crowded places."

I turned to look at him, my long skirt swishing in the process. I hated wearing these dresses. No matter how beautiful you make them, I'd rather wear a pair of pants any day.

"Why not? It sounds like fun." I said.

"Soah shouldn't go either," Habaek added, "but if you really want to go I won't stop you."

I stepped over to him and knelt down by his chair. Looking at him with slightly pleading eyes, I delicately took his small hand into mine. He looked at me in surprise as I held him in my firm grip.

"Please, Habaek. What's the point if you're not there? I want to spend more time with you."

It was true. Although first coming here was extremely different and foreign, I couldn't help but come to like this place. Habaek may seem like a arrogant kid, but I knew that he wasn't a bad person. I enjoyed my time with him.

"This is the first time you've ever asked something of me." Habaek said. "I'll maybe come, but don't count on it."

"Ok," I simply said as I smiled gently at him.


The Bride of the Water God (FANFIC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz