Chpt 4 Ryder

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New chapter

Im not updating this Wednesday, I will do it on special occasions or if I'm feeling kind.

Have good read my strawberries.






Ryder P.O.V

My hand tries to search for the blond, I had last night, beside me but I don't find her, I open my eyes to see the bed empty, as usual. I notice a letter beside me instead of the blond.


I had a great night last night

Natalie xoxo

No call me or anything just a 'great night'. I slam head back on the pillow remembering nearly all the mornings started like this, take a girl home then the next morning they're not there. My clothes are sprawled out all over the room, no evidence of the blond was here though. I pick my clothes up and slide my boxers over my legs.

"Ryder... Robin and Mickey are back." My sister says through the door. Ah so the twins have seen my lovely Olympia. I put on a new pair of clothes, which were mostly blue because it was my favourite colour. I open the door and see no one in the halls, hmm. I walk down the long steps ending up in the kitchen, few of my men are eating there. I go down to a spare room leading down another staircase opposite a few doors one of them contains my office, on the same floor is another set if stairs leading down to the basement where I keep my prisoners there and torture rooms.

I get to my office and the twins are here dressed like policemen "finally back from your trip."

"Yes Ryder." they saw in sync, Mickey and Robin what would I do without them. They both look the exact same, blond hair and blue eyes

"How was it ?" I ask

"Successful, I don't think they will stay there for long though, all three of them were distraught." Mickey says

"Three ?" I question

"Another boy, Miles he goes by the name by, I think it was her cousin." Robin says

"How was Mrs Hallon ?" I ask the twins.

"Pretty upset wouldn't stop crying" Mickey confirms

"And Olympia ?" I ask. They look at each other and have a silent conversation with their electric blue eyes "well ?"

"Once we told her of her fathers death and what he was involved in gang work she gave us this look." Robin speaks up

"Look ?" I question

"Yes, we didn't tell her who killed her father but then, she knew we were hiding something from her" Mickey explains

"Right well, I expect you to write up this mission and hand it in tomorrow. We'll talk about this later. You are dismissed." I tell them waving my hand at them. They walk out of the room silently, as I start to think of Olympia 'she gave us this look' it repeats in my mind. I put my face in my hands and rub my eyes, in frustration.

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